Critical and Creative Thinking
Autor: Jannisthomas • April 12, 2018 • 1,962 Words (8 Pages) • 868 Views
Creative and critical thinking skills helps to fosters teamwork among students involved in structured discussion groups. This is brought about by that fact that the diversity of a group of students working together on a common front is a strength that brings forth everyone’s contribution. Group discussions are usually generative in nature because when one is participating in a group you take it upon yourself to proof your worth by continuously giving your input. This is made possible by employing creative and critical skills that are known to move back and forth with each phase reinforcing the other especially in problem solving process which brings out quality in arguments.
Creative and critical thinking skills aims at realizing intellectual standards including bringing out the clarity of an argument and stressing the relevance of ideas. Through critical thinking you are able to examine facts in precision and depth. Intellectual standards which are a product of creative and critical thinking also cultivate integrity in ideas and enhance open-mindedness during discussions which is beneficial to me as a student of creative and critical thinking. This enables me add quality in my presentations which is an end result of a rigorous creative and critical thinking process.
Creative and critical thinking is very important in the new knowledge economy. Information and technology drives the global knowledge economy which is made possible by one-as a student being able to deal with the changes quickly and effectively by utilizing creative and critical skills. The Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a world that is changing rapidly and for me to be able to integrate diverse sources of knowledge and analyze the diverse information available in ICT it requires good creative and critical thinking skills.
As a student of creative and critical thinking I choose to remains calm in a world that is full of scams it is important to know when you are right in the face of such a storm. Being a creative and critical thinker am less likely to fall for scams or tricks because my approach to anything come with a healthy amount of skepticism. When one lacks such skills they are more often than not likely to assume that everything they hear is true, regardless of the source. Therefore I benefit as student of creative and critical thinking I am more inclined to maintain my cool in the face of a scam because I stop to think before acting.
Time is an important factor in any undertaking be it academic, social, political or otherwise, therefore as a student of creative and critical thinking when faced with a dilemma that requires a decisive step I will consider the fastest method of achieving that goal. Creative and critical thinking has taught me how to work smarter not harder because with analytical thought you become a master of efficiency who accomplishes tasks with the least waste of time and effort a mark of competency in performance.
Many of the highest paying jobs require creative and critical thinking skills, such as generating effective ideas and making important decisions. Therefore as a student who is learning creative and critical thinking am confident and looking forward to those job interviews where such creative and critical thinking skills will be called to test. The thought of aspiring for such high paying job gives me impetus to study knowing that my skills will be of benefit sooner or later.
Creative and critical thinking has modeled me as a student who is self-directed not waiting for the lecturer to remind me of handing in an assignment it comes with self-disciplined. This entails that ability of making myself undertake tasks as and when required without waiting to be nudged into action even if the task was not interesting. The self-monitoring and correcting aspects of critical thinking affords me effective communication giving me the drive to overcome negative egocentrism and sociocentrism.
A creative and critical thinker has the self-awareness to understand the difference between a rational thought based on careful consideration and an emotional response based on personal bias. Appreciating such capacities enables me as a student to not only understand my own perspective but am able to consider the perspective of fellow human beings and come to an informed conclusion based on facts and not emotions during discussions.
Creative and critical thinking skills improve communication skills because by learning to analyze and build evidence towards any given assumptions it makes me an effective communicator. Consistent and relevant points to support your theories are imperative in communicating a proposal to stakeholders in a proficient manner. As Kadie Regan says ‘When you know your stuff, so will they’.
Creative and critical thinking is more than just a concepts, it is a real-life model upon which one can build successful and efficient problem solving skills, skills that prove highly valuable in college and beyond. Critical Thinking is a system that is often misjudged as criticism, but rather it focuses on the ability to follow logical steps and arrive at a decisive and appropriate conclusion. With some careful and structured training, any student can become a more informed, reasoned decision maker.
Lastly for creative and critical thinking students to respond to the challenges of the twenty-first century - with its complex environmental, social and economic pressures, it require young students to be creative, innovative, enterprising and adaptable, with the motivation, confidence and skills to use critical and creative thinking purposefully.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933, as published in Samuel Rosenman, ed.,The Public Papers of Franklin. Retrieved 24 Apr 17.
Performance Management and Appraisal Help Center; Applying Critical Thinking - An Important Survival Skill for Companies; Robert Bacall.
Richard Paul, et al.; 1995. The Critical Thinking Community; Accelerating Change, the Complexity of Problems, and the Quality of Our Thinking; Retrieved 24 Apr 17.