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The Work of Christ

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Case 5

The Accident Theory portrays the death of Christ as something that has no significance. It claims that Jesus was a man and it may have been unfortunate that he was killed, but nevertheless his death had no meaning for anyone else. The Accident Theory is both biblically and theologically inaccurate. This is because this theory suggests that Christ’s death was a mistake. This point is proven as erroneous in the Bible. Throughout the Bible, there were numerous occasions that Jesus predicted His death. Also, Acts 2:23 states that Christ’s death was in the plan of God. The theory also claims that there was no value to others in the death of Christ. However, in Isa. 43:4-6, it is mentioned that Christ's death had infinite value as a substitutionary atonement.

Case 6

The Example Theory believes that the Christ’s death was that of martyr. That is, Christ was killed because he was faithful to his principles and to what he considered his duty by men who did not agree with him in these respects. The main viewpoint of the Example (Martyr) Theory is that the death of Christ was not necessary in atoning for sin as the one who breaks the law of God does not need to be punished. That is, the sacrifice of Christ was an example of obedience that has moved people to repent of their sins and live like Christ. The Example (Martyr) Theory is both biblically and theologically incorrect. First, it portrays Christ as a man. Second, this theory states that Christ’s death is unnecessary in atoning for sin. However, the Scripture emphasizes the need for atonement. This is evident in Rom. 3:24, “and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus”. Third, the theory points out that Christ is an example for unbeliever. This point is erroneous as the Bible describes Christ as an example for believers in 1 Peter 2:21. The Example Theory is unbiblical as it contradicts many Bible verses, including Exodus 12:13,23, “The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down”, and Hebrews 2:17, “For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people”. The Bible states that the Atonement has to be made to God, which the theory does not support. The theory is theoretically inaccurate because if Christ’s death acts as a role model of obedience, our sins would not be atoned and we will not be saved according to God’s legal aspect.

Question 3 - Is doctrinal correctness necessary for salvation? Why or why not? Give three reasons. (Marks 3)

One factor that greatly affect the spiritual health of the believers is definitely doctrinal correctness. Thus, it is necessary for salvation. Below are the three reasons:

- The Scripture reveal that Jesus cared a lot about the correctness of the doctrine of those He came in contact with.

People are saved from sins through the death of Jesus Christ. To be truly saved, listening and following the words of Jesus is important. In Matthew 5:43, Jesus corrects misunderstandings about hate including a perversion of Lev. 19:18. In the scripture, whenever Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said …” he is correcting the incorrect interpretation. In addition, throughout the Bible, Jesus talked about several parables and stories, including the wise/foolish virgins in Matthew 25, and the wedding feast in Matthew 22, that indirectly or directly reflected the importance of doctrinal correctness. Moreover, Christ’s final earthly words was a correction about a fallacious understanding, which he said to his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, and they took this to mean that Jesus was going to restore the kingdom to Israel. Jesus had to correct this wrong understanding to say that they would be receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon them such that they would be his witnesses throughout the world. This evidently demonstrates that Jesus significantly cared about the correctness of the doctrine of those He came in contact with. The Bible also makes it clear that there is a right doctrine and a wrong doctrine, and that it is crucial to differentiate those two. That is, it is important for people to guard the right doctrine and teach it carefully, while people have the responsibility to rebuke the false doctrine. For example, when Satan tempts Christ, he quotes the Scripture but distorts it. Through this, it is evident that there is a right way and a wrong way to use Scriptures. In addition, throughout the Bible, Jesus opposed these false teachers, not matter who they were and what their societal status may have been. Jesus modeled that He would confront anyone who taught wrong doctrine. From this,

- What people believe shape their lives and without it people won’t understand the world in which they live.

Knowing the correct doctrine is vital in spiritual life as what people believe shape their lives. For example, if an individual does not believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, an individual cannot fully understand that God is eternally love. This is because it is the doctrine of the Trinity that gives an individual confidence to believe that love is the very nature of God. Comprehending the wrong doctrine will hinder people from finding out the truth about God. Finding out the truth about God is especially important in salvation because rightfully knowing God and his doctrines is a way to relate to the God and build a strong relationship with him. Salvation comes when a person truly believes by faith that Jesus is the Son of God, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and rose again three days later, conquering sin and death. Therefore, it is vital to believe the correct doctrine taught by Christ. Doctrinal correctness will not only allow an individual to be saved but it will also guide an individual to sort out all the practical problems of living in this complex fallen world.

- It shows people’s love toward God and without knowing the correct doctrinal, people would not know what to say to the unsaved people they meet.

One of the conditions of salvation is to love God. In Deuteronomy


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