3 Dramas
Autor: Jannisthomas • December 6, 2017 • 1,733 Words (7 Pages) • 797 Views
BB: Money? (Puts $ arm back up, and he steps back frozen) Forget it. My parents had lots of money! But they were always fighting, about it. When I was growing up, I had everything money could buy, but I still got this burden. My Mum and Dad have got so many worries now, worrying about their money. Money’s not the answer!
What about you? You look as if you can help me? (Pulls down Education’s else’s arm)
Edu: What you need is an education. Study hard, finish High School, go to University. Get your degree, your Master’s and then a Doctorate. Knowledge is power. With Education, you can choose to be anything you want. Study: - be in charge of your life. You won’t have to let anybody push you around. Yes sir! You need an education.
BB: Are you kidding? (puts up Education’s arm) I’ve been to University, and when I finished, I couldn’t get a job. All that learning never took away this burden. It showed me that everyone else was searching for a way to ignore their own burdens, but never how to get rid of it. I spent 7 years studying, and all I got was a headache and writer’s cramp. You can’t help me, I wonder if you can help? (Pulls down next person’s arm)
Trav: You’ve got a problem? No worries! What you need to do is travel! That’s what I do to get away from it all. You could go to the Asia, or Africa! Get on the bus and spend some time in Sydney. Whenever you notice the pressure building up, it’s time to move again! Save up some money, and go to Germany, or England! Just keep on traveling, and leave your problems behind.
BB: Travel? (Puts arm back up) Get away from it all? That’s not the answer. I’ve tried that. I’ve been everywhere. I’ve been to America, and New Zealand, and I’ve even gone to Melbourne! But I still can’t get away from this burden. The problem doesn’t stay left behind. I’m the problem, and no matter where I run to, I’m still there. I’m getting desperate. This burden is killing me! Listen, can you help me? (pulls arm down)
Work: Sure I can help you. Get yourself a job. That’s what you need! That’ll take your mind off your problems. Just grow up, work hard, get a house, and family, settle down. Forget about your burden. If you work hard enough then it will fade away. Get yourself a good job, make your parents proud! You’ll be somebody important then!
BB: A job? (Puts arm up) I’ve tried to find a job! But there are none around! Besides, when I was working hard, it still didn’t take away this burden. Sure I was busy, and people respected me! But my burden was still there, choking me! And when the company I worked for closed down, it just got worse. No! A good job is not the answer. Maybe you can help me? (Pulls down Drugs arm)
Drugs: Hey man! What you need is some drugs. It’ll help you to relax, and take your mind off all your problems. You smoke some dope, or take some pills! And all your troubles are gone! Here, try this! It’ll blow your mind!
BB: Blow my mind! (Puts arm up) What do I want with a blown mind? I’ve already tried that, and it doesn’t work. Sure, you forget your troubles for awhile, but when you come back down, your burden is still there, bigger than ever. Lady, you’re my last chance. You’ve got to help me! (Pulls down arm of Love)
Love: Sure Honey! I can help you. What you need is love! If you come with me, we’ll have a good time. You can forget about everything, we’ll just have each other. It will be our secret, and no one will know! Just me and you. That’s really what you need. Only love will satisfy you!
BB: Love?! (puts arm back) That’s not love, that’s lust! I’ve already tried that! How do you think I got most of this burden in the first place?
No body has any answers! No one can help me with this burden! It is so heavy. I just can’t go on anymore! (kneels in grief)
Jesus: (Turns around, and walks through the group)
I am Jesus, the Son of God! Come unto Me! All who are heavy laden, with a burden of sin and pain, and I will give you rest!
All: Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Kill Him! Kill Him!
(The Group all shout and yell at Jesus, and crucify Him, while the Burden Bearer tries to stop them! After Jesus is killed the group all go back to their positions.)
BB: Stop! Stop! Why did you kill Him? Jesus said He could help me! He was going to take my burden. None of you could! You killed Him! What’s the matter with you? He was the only one who said He could help take this burden! (Kneels in despair)
Jesus: (Comes alive from the cross, comes down, takes the burden from the Burden Bearer, and looks into his eyes. Burden Bearer stands, and then kneels before Jesus. Jesus touches him, and then walks away with the burden on His back!)
BB: Did you see that? Jesus came and took my burden of sin and shame! He did it! He did it! I’m free! He was dead, now He’s alive!