Will Token Economy Be an Effective Technique Used by Teachers to Improve Student Behaviour in Classrooms?
Autor: Joshua • October 21, 2018 • 1,677 Words (7 Pages) • 826 Views
Even though most of the studies suggested that token economy does help in modifying classroom behaviours but they included limitations. Reitman et al (2004), Tiano et al (2005) and Carnett et al (2014) had similar limitations with population and location. They had a small sample which meant it was difficult to generalize to the wider population. To conclude, from the evaluation of these reports in this piece, it highlighted that token economy does modify classroom behaviour, as it decreases disruptive while increasing on-task behaviour. The studies exemplified that token economy is able to show results on its own and when placed with other techniques, however it is seen as time consuming. Hence, it would be difficult to use token economy with large class sizes.
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