Random Acts of Kindness Essay
Autor: Adnan • December 7, 2017 • 2,199 Words (9 Pages) • 1,075 Views
Also, every October I help my church with pumpkins. Every year my church orders over a thousand pumpkins to sell. On the third of October, I go to the church and start helping by unloading the truck. Then I would push the wheelbarrows to the pallets and put the pumpkins on a pallet. This usually takes around three to four hours. After we have it all set up, I go back every weekend and help sell the pumpkins. This is a random act of kindness because I am helping out without getting paid for any of it.
One random act of kindness I have done since I have been here at Tennessee Wesleyan College is going to Morning Pointe. Morning Pointe is a place where elderly people can stay. I have been there during a birthday party and I served drinks and cake to everyone there. Usually when I go, I just sit with some of the women and just talk. It might not sound like a lot, but seeing the smile on their faces makes my day every time I go. Not only are they making my day, I make their day too. They do not get visitors often, so with me coming to visit the people at Morning Pointe makes them believe they are still loved, which is absolutely true. Who needs to feel like they are not loved? I am positive that I will continue going there my whole career at Tennessee Wesleyan College.
My mom and dad have taught me a lot of things in life, and the best thing they ever taught me was being respectful. They taught me how to show kindness and courtesy. Being respectful starts with a basic consideration of other people’s feelings. I ask myself how I would want to be treated in a given situation, and make an effort to treat other people that way. Being polite is a huge when it comes to being respectful. As a kid, I did not seem to follow the concept of etiquette and good manners. Now as an adult, I have to follow these concepts. My mom and dad taught me how to be a lady. They also taught be to be respectful to everyone and to never discriminate.
Being respectful can get you very far in life, even if it is just smiling at someone. Think about it. In almost every, if not all, jobs you have to show the costumer and your boss respect. If you fail in doing so, you will not have a job. I do not see how anyone could be rude to a person. You never know what someone is going through at home. I always think of it as me being respectful to someone might have saved their life. Many people think about committing suicide every day and all it can take for them to go through with it is someone smarting off or being disrespectful to them.
Kindness is the act of showing caring and consideration. It is the tendency of having charitable deeds, pleasant character, and concern for others. It is a virtue recognized in many religions and cultures. A random act of kindness is an action carried out by a person wishing to either cheer up or assist a person or people. Each one of us has to make our own contribution in order to create a better environment of living. We cannot always rely on others.
Feist, G. J. and Rosenberg, E. L. (2010). Psychology: Making connections. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
"Psychology Dictionary - Free Online Psychology Dictionary." Psychology Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.
30 Random Acts of
1. Made it a point to smile at everyone I see and pass by every day.
2. Driving safely
3. Collecting can goods for a food bank.
4. Cleaning up litter on a street in my neighborhood.
5. Saying something nice to everyone I meet.
6. Leaving a kind note for my mom or dad
7. Telling my family why I love them.
8. Cheering up my friends when they need it.
9. Donating blood.
10. Hugging a family member.
11. Smiling and saying "Hello" to strangers.
12. Babysitting for free
13. Offering someone behind me in the grocery check-out line to go in front of me.
14. Patting someone on the back.
15. Opening the car door for my passenger.
16. Pulling out someone’s chair for them at the dinner table.
17. Washing my parents’ cars.
18. Giving my pocket change to someone at gas station
19. Purchasing a meal for a homeless person.
20. Paying for the persons order behind you when in a drive-through at Taco Bell.
21. Running an errand for parents.
22. Helping my grandma out around the house .
23. Calling my parents and my sister just to say that I love them.
24. Volunteering to help at an animal shelter.
25. Paying for a veteran’s food.
26. Helping with a special needs class.
27. Volunteering at a homeless shelter.
28. Being involved with peer tutoring
29. Treating everyone with respect
30. Help my church with pumpkins.