Ethics - Nature of God
Autor: Rachel • December 29, 2017 • 2,113 Words (9 Pages) • 753 Views
-Ethics would be much different for everyone leading to chaos.
-Ethics and our general theory of right and wrong would be compromised, leaving it an open ended question for dictators to fill in. (ex hitler).
-We would not have an answer for human behaviour and instead however people felt would be okay
- Moral Character: Evaluation of ones moral qualities
-Presence or lack of virtues, good behaviour, habits etc.
-To have good moral character, you must follow norms, certain codes, customs and habits of behaviour. Its necessary to follow the virtues and balance them out as Aristotle taught. To have a good moral character you should abide my all the ethical rules. You must act justly and be a moral agent as well. You must be a role model to others.
- Scripture is the word of God because its told by his followers
-His followers wrote the scriptures after hearing his word and was a way of spreading his word.
-Scriptures are interpretations of Gods word and a way to spread his message.
-He teaches us through revelation.
-Gods actions are interpreted to mean more than they appear
-By studying these we can come to know Gods will, his actions and values
- Revelation: God teaches us through his actions. Find through use of reason and faith.
-Oral: Through teachings of the church and magisterium
-Written: The Holy Bible
- A Covenant is a binding agreement, a bond of love and a bond forever. Covenants are structured so that they are conditional, and bound by the word of God. Agreement.
-makes relationship with moses
-establishes trust
-agreement is to save Israelites
-God calls us and expects a response.
-God sent Moses to re-establish his relationship with the Jewish people, and in return gives the Ten Commandments by which this relationship is kept and upheld.
- Sacraments
-Make sacraments with God
-Keeping a covenant will help us stay faithful and follow/live the ethical life.
-Covenants help to teach us what God wants from all of us and what is right and wrong
- Puts teachings into context
- Kingdom of God is everything and everywhere
-It starts with you and is also heaven
-The kingdom of God is a symbol or a metaphor for God and his liberating actions.
-God is not far away and is revealed through Jesus (his teaching and actions).
- Magisterium is made up of the Pope, Cardinals and Bishops.
-It’s the teaching authority of the Catholic Church
- Through the hommale
-relates to the world
- Teaches us good character and virtues which are important to fulfilling the good life.
- A prophet is someone who hears Gods word and spreads it for him
-Offer challenge and comfort during times of crisis
-Preaches word of God
-Do not predict future
-Remind us of Gods love
-Passionate, speak on Gods behalf, always defend poor and hopeless, not influenced by power, personal glory etc, courageous, have a vision, and face adversity.
- St Paul: Father of the early church
-Pharisee trained in Jewish law and theology.
-Hated Jesus.
-Involved in persecution and death of Christians.
-Became most dominant figure after his conversation on the road to Damascus
-13 epistles written by or attributed to Paul.
-Spread the Gospel beyond the Jewish realm.
-Focus on the early churchs attempt to come to terms with the meaning of Jesus
- A virtue is a habit of doing good.
-Become virtous by choosing good through use of reason
-Virtues balance eachother
-Justice:act well in relation to others
-Temperance: remain moderate in emotions
- Fortitude: Be courageous in the face of difficulties
- Love, Hope, Faith
- Norms: a standard customary behaviour
-Moral norms are criteria of judgement about who we ought to be and how we ought to act
-We see norms in laws and rules, principles etc.
-Assist our freedom by guiding our conscience, security for the first time we do things, helps make decisions, promote and protect values.
Laws: Specific rules which if not performed lead to more sever consequence, in larger areas such as country, state, stores and more public places.
Rules: What should be done and created in classroom, in house etc. Often change for circumstanes, very personal.
-Both developed to have a sense of order.
Norms are seen in most rules and laws, they reflect the same things time and