Types of Mixtures and Concentration of Solutions
Autor: Essays.club • October 4, 2017 • Lab Report • 3,273 Words (14 Pages) • 1,131 Views
¨Types of mixtures and concentration of solutions¨
Hypothesis: ¨The greater the amount of solvent the greater the amount of solute that can dissolve the solvent and if it is too much of solute the dissolvent cannot dissolve it (suspension), so the light will not be able to pass through that mixture.¨
Purpose: In this lab practice there are many objectives, the first one is determine through several processes the concentration of a solution, the next one is that through the Tyndall Effect you can observe the different kinds of saturation (supersaturate, saturated and unsaturated), and the last one is that you can see that the water and the oil is a heterogeneous mixture and they cannot mixed because have different polarity.
Everybody drinks smoothie, juices or eat meals, take medicines and syrups. Do you think these/ those can be solutions?
A solution is a homogeneous mixture in which is uniformly dispersed in another, will can be solid or gases. Have you ever made a chocolate milk? When you prepare a chocolate milk, you mixed chocolate with milk, so the chocolate is solute and the milk is a solvent. A solute that is present in the lesser amount and the solvent is present in the greater amount, where the particles of the solute are evenly dispersed.
Sometimes you drink it and you see chocolate leftovers. How do this problem cannot happen in the future? Firstly is necessary understood the solubility is used to describe the amount of a solute that can be dissolve in a given amount of solvent usually expressed in grams of solute in 100 g of solvent. (C. Timberlake, 2016). Can be unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated. You can observe if is Saturated when a solution contains all the solute that can dissolvent. Supersaturated is you observe more solute than solvent and you can see in solid form, and in this case, we want unsaturated solution, for a perfect chocolate milk recipe, where the solute readily dissolves. Therefore, now we have to study the solutions concentrations.
The concentration is measure of the amount of solute that is dissolved in a specified amount of solution. We will look at ways to express the concentration as a ratio of a certain amount of solute in a given amount of solution, may be expressed in units in grams, milliliters, liters or moles (C. Timberlake, 2016).
Captura de pantalla 2017-02-22 a la(s) 08.53.03.png
Some kitchen recipes recommend do it with hot milk. The reason is that the change of temperature in the solutions usually contain more dissolved solute at higher temperature. A few substances show little change in solubility at higher temperatures, and a few are less soluble (C. Timberlake, 2016).
In this lab practice you need to keep in mind all of concepts for identify the types of solutions (in this case we are going to work with NaCl), the reactions with temperature can be change the solubility. In addition, is necessary understand the properties of solutions through the light these very important because you can recognize if the solution can be react with others? There are solutions, colloids and suspensions. If you see the is transparent and the light pass through is Solution or Homogeneous. Unless, you have two more options, the solution can be separate by semipermeable membranes and the light produce Tyndall effect is Colloid or can be visible and separated by filters is called suspension, also the particles scatter light (C. Timberlake, 2016).
Bunsen burner Tripod 3 Beakers of 250 ml Syringe of 5 ml
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Scale NaCl solution
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Second experiment: ¨Tyndall effect¨
1. First take a light
2. Then pass throughout the mixtures
3. Identify which one is colloid suspension or solution depending if the light is reflected, passed or not
Third experiment: ¨Lava lamp¨
1. Put water in a bowl approximately 500 mL
2. Then add oil approximately the same quantity that the water
3. Next add colorant drops to see better the effect
4. Then try to mixed it
5. Finally you can see that they cannot mix
Part 1: After the demonstration, complete the following table with the missing information.
Grenetin with water
Water with oil
Ethanol 70%, water 30%
Flour with water
Incense in the bottle
Silver chlorine with water
In this, you can see the division of the substances.