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Autor:   •  February 27, 2018  •  1,503 Words (7 Pages)  •  413 Views

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I was tossing and turning but I was sleep deprived. I couldn’t sleep no matter how hard I tried, I didn’t know if it was because of all the excitement I felt or because of the stupid time difference but I wanted to sleep. I couldn’t sleep I would close my eyes and try the hardest I could but only to end with the same outcome. I was wide awake sitting on my bed for about four hours thinking about how tomorrow was going to turn out, how I would feel and how he was going to react to seeing me because of his father and I showing up unannounced. Perhaps it will be just as how I picture It would be.

After finally being able to sleep for about four hours there was a loud knock on my hotel room door and it was Steve’s father, it was time to get ready and watch Steve graduate from boot camp. We got there and I made sure we sat in the very first row we waited for about two hours in the bleachers and then it was time to begin. The excitement I felt as I saw him march and just him in general was immense. I felt proud to be his girlfriend and it gave me a feeling I never felt before. I was anxious for the graduation to end so that I could finally be able to hug him and talk to him after not doing that after what felt like an eternity.

Another two hours later it had ended and all the family members got to get down off the bleachers and go find our sailor. So I did just that, he was standing with a group of friends congratulating them when I sneak up from behind and surprise him. He was so happy and surprised I had actually made it and brought his father with me. The relief I felt when I felt his tight arms around me made me feel like I had been away for way too long instead of him. He smelled and felt like home to me.

After all the catching up I had had forgotten that I still had to meet my father so I made my way to the hotel. As the taxi left us right outside of the hotel I hear a car pull up behind us I turn around just as it parks outside my hotel room and my father and his new wife get out of a blue 2010 ford mustang. At that moment I felt all the hate I had in me evaporate and le replaced with longing a for that man. I instantly got the urge to hug my father and for some unknown reason I felt emotional. I felt love for the man who left my mother to raise three children on her own.

I spoke to him for about an hour and a half while Steve and his father caught up and I felt relief. I no longer hated the man in front of me for abandoning my family but I felt sorry for him because I could see the pain in his eyes as he saw how well I grew up with only a mother who didn’t need his help. After that day I learned that forgiveness is more than important. You can’t live your whole life hating someone because that hate is never going to let you live happy. That day I realized that I will never give the love I give to my father. No matter how many years you spend with your other half it won’t compare to the love one should have for their parents.


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