When Hitler Came to Power
Autor: Nathan Grannel • February 1, 2018 • Essay • 643 Words (3 Pages) • 662 Views
When Hitter came to power in 1933 the Jews under German control numbered just over half a million. Hitler and his Nazi Party were pledged to create a Germany in which the German Jews would be set apart from their fellow-Germans, and denied their place as an part of German life and culture. The concept of racial purity was paralleled with the stimulation of racial hatred, to create the image of the German Jew as different, alien, and dangerous.
The first measure taken based on this state of mind involved Jews being taken from many hundreds of villages and small towns in which they lived and worked, and in which their ancestors had lived for many centuries. The Jewish families were driven out went to larger towns and cities inside Germany, or emigrated. The property of the Jews who left, their shops, their livelihoods, their homes and their furniture, became part of the spoils of racism.
The mass murder of the quarter of a million Jews who remained in Germany was nowhere discussed. Such killing as there was took place within the concentration camp system set up to punish all those who opposed the naszis. In the years 1933 to 1938 fewer than a hundred Jews were among several thousand German citizens murdered in concentration camps.
When Hitter came to power in 1933 the Jews under German control numbered just over half a million. Hitler and his Nazi Party were pledged to create a Germany in which the German Jews would be set apart from their fellow-Germans, and denied their place as an part of German life and culture. The concept of racial purity was paralleled with the stimulation of racial hatred, to create the image of the German Jew as different, alien, and dangerous.
The first measure taken based on this state of mind involved Jews being taken from many hundreds of villages and small towns in which they lived and worked, and in which their ancestors had lived for many centuries. The Jewish families were driven out went to larger towns and cities inside Germany, or emigrated. The property of the Jews who left, their shops, their livelihoods, their homes and their furniture, became part of the spoils of racism.
The mass murder of the quarter of a million Jews who remained in Germany was nowhere discussed. Such killing as there was took place within the concentration camp system set up to punish all those who opposed the naszis. In the years 1933 to 1938 fewer than a hundred Jews were among several thousand German citizens murdered in concentration camps.
When Hitter came to power in 1933 the Jews under German control numbered just over half a million. Hitler and his Nazi Party were pledged to create a Germany in which the German Jews would be set apart from their fellow-Germans, and denied their place as an part of German life and culture. The concept of racial purity was paralleled with the stimulation of racial hatred, to create the image of the German Jew as different, alien, and dangerous.