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How the Oppressed Gained Power

Autor:   •  October 22, 2017  •  991 Words (4 Pages)  •  749 Views

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He was beaten and even imprisoned many time but he never resorted to violence against his oppressors. When he was older and unable to lead physically as he had in his youth, he spoken and wrote in defense of those in need. He also went on

hunger strikes or fast to make his point. He was so loved by the people of India that even the Muslims would cease acts of violence so that he would eat again and remain with the Indian peoples.

His assassination by a religious and political rival was a great tragedy for the entire world (Mahatma Gandhi Biography). Gandhi never used violence during his war on civil disobedience, People need to understand that violence is not necessary to gain power, as Gandhi himself said “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” (The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi)

Many people that did not promote violence during their process to gain power, such as Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and many more. For the past 5+ years we have protested in violence, and it hasn’t worked out. For example the police brutality problem. Out of all the police brutality in the 5 years how many have actually been sent to prison, and another thing if we are destroying our own community, we are as bad as the cops at this point. We need to go back to the method that had time and time again worked, and that is peaceful protest. Over the centuries peaceful protest have worked better statistically. Not breaking laws gets the helpful support, more respected. The educational way to win an argument/disagreement. Gets the right kind of national attention. Probably protesting something that hurt someone, so why hurt someone else to get what you want? Isn’t that what started the problem? Sure violence is more effective quickly but non violent or peaceful protest are much more effective because not only do the oppressed have to have an extreme amount of determination in order to stay peaceful but you also if they have to think back to the civil rights movement at least half of the protest that happened were peaceful ones that succeeded. Protesting peacefully will always be the best way for the oppressed to gain power, history changes over time and afterall what matters the most is the future.


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