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New Fashion and Women with Coco Chanel

Autor:   •  November 15, 2018  •  2,459 Words (10 Pages)  •  541 Views

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bijouterie, which (unlike the jewelry) can be worn with casual clothes. Dress easily converted from casual with a white collar in elegant with ornaments and artificial flower. It freed women from having to change clothes several times a day. It was a bold break with tradition. Chanel believed that jewelry should not be the cause envy, and should please a woman, and give elegance to even the simplest outfit. Chanel wore a necklace of fake pearls with real jewelry. She proved that counterfeiting much more effective and more beautiful than real jewelry. Chanel became the author of the concept of minimalism in modeling clothes, but when it was about bijouterie, she became maximalist and broke all tradition of “good taste”. In 1924, Chanel launched her first line of accessories. Her collection is still considered one of the most revolutionary projects that have ever existed (Richards 127-139). Pearl necklace of multiple strands became the same classic, as a little black dress. They were available, versatile and great addition to almost any outfit.

Coco also helped women by Chanel 2.55. Chanel 2.55 is legendary bag produced Fashion House Chanel. It was the first bag is worn on the shoulder. Coco Chanel declared that she tired of wearing handbags and she always lost them. Later, Mademoiselle Chanel introduced a small bag in the shape of a rectangle on a long chain. Women for the first time were able to carry the bag comfortably. Since they could just hang the bag on his shoulder and completely forget about it. Women in all over the world were very happy to have this bad, because it relieved them from a lot of problems and facilitate their lives. Initially the model was introduced only in black, as this color was very fond of Coco

Chanel. However less than a year, as there were colorful version of jersey, silk and alligator. In this bag there are some features which distinguish it from other bags at the time such as burgundy liner, small zipped pockets inside and outside, chainlet, and clasp (Bjork). With the help of this wonderful creative lady, women from all over the world do not carry heavy bags in their hands.

One of her innovations was a step toward feminism. It was a man's trouser

suit for women. Coco was one of the first women, who worn men's pants suit. People laughed at her and did not understand it. In her youth she had predilection to ride. Once she borrowed pants from the groom. She loved it and went to the tailor that he sewed the same for her. Tailor was stunned and said that these clothes are not for the ladies, but Coco stood her ground. Soon she had ridden in the pants. A few years later in her collections began to appear ladies pantsuits. For comparison before women never wore pants. It was thing exclusively for the male wardrobe. For that time it was unacceptable liberty to dress pants. First time, only the wealthy women, whose high social status was not disputed, wore trousers. Moreover, even the wildest fans Coco Chanel dared not include pants everyday wardrobe. Only actress Marlene Dietrich one of the first to appear in trouser suits on secular receptions in the thirties. Trousers purchased this popularity because of another actress (Katharine Hepburn), who managed to demonstrate how delicious and beautiful can be pantsuits (Picardie 76-85).

Another negative innovation Coco Chanel was tan. Known fact that prolonged exposure to sunlight can harm the skin and lead to cancer. Tan is contraindicated for some people. It's no secret that a few centuries ago, a tan was

not in fashion, and was considered a sign of low social class. Nobles and their wives hided their faces from the sun and used a maximum of clothes and sun umbrellas. Only people who have worked in the field on clean air, engaged mainly in manual labor, had a pronounced dark tan. Even then, a kind of stereotype emerged that tanning was associated with physical activity, strength and health, and the white pale skin was associated with the absence of the need to work and a high position in society. Tan became fashionable from the time of Chanel. It happened rather by accident. Coco sunburned during the cruise, and society followed Chanel, when she appeared in a tanned in Cannes. She did not do it on purpose, but ever since then tan has become a sign of wealth and success. If a person has a good tan, it is associated with the fact that a person has the money and time for a vocation in warm countries. Also, if a person has a white skin, it means that a person work a lot, but do not have time or money for a vocation (Sischy 238-243). Currently, ladies from all over the world visit the sunroom and exposing them skin to risk of cancer.

Also this wonderful woman was not honest. She was the first woman, who started to promote her fashion house by famous actress. She wore the famous actresses and photographed for advertising pages. Since then, many of the most successful actresses became the face of the brand over the years. It was a generous marketing ploy, but very dishonest. People started to buy her clothes just because they wanted to be like famous actresses, not because this clothes was very qualitative. Coco Chanel so often lied about her past, it seems, she began to believe her own inventions. Father was the owner of vineyards, wine

merchant, and has a taste for beautiful things. Mother was his faithful friend in all, she was beautiful and clever woman. Brothers and sisters who loved her and she loved them. Two aunts raised her. Childhood nickname was given to her by father and became her name and trademark. Happy childhood and difficult path which led Chanel to the summit of success. All of it was lie. The truth of it was just one. Coco truly worked hard and she truly was on top. Coco hated her childhood and tried not to think about it. If she had to remember, she lied. She was afraid that somebody finds out the truth about her origins and her impact crash. Indeed, the rich and noble House of Chanel clients would not keep going with the same devotion to treat Coco, if they knew that she was the illegitimate. Also, she always lied about her ages and it became popular (Picardie, 127-124). Nowadays, a lot of women lie about ages. Thus, we can say that Chanel promoted the lie that of course is a negative consequence of her activities.

Coco Chanel entered the list of 100 most influential people on the planet in the history of mankind. The merit of coco Chanel in new women. She freed women from heavy snare clothes and the corset of 19 century. She rejuvenated women and made ​​them agile and attractive. Her skirts, blouses, sweaters, jackets were selling very fast. She suggested pants to women. It was a revolution. Her clothes spread outside of Paris and was sent abroad. Flannel jackets,


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