Why Did the Southern States Secede from the Union?
Autor: Joshua • May 27, 2018 • 808 Words (4 Pages) • 622 Views
Again highlighting the issue of the South not being able to keep their property and furthering the anger with half of the country wanting to take their property away from them. When your rights are repeatedly not met and people further disagree with your way of life, secession is the only answer.
Lastly, the disagreement between the North and the South is very apparent and only broadened when you factor in the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln was running for president. Lincoln and his Vice President Hannibal Hamlin, a politician from newly created Maine, had the premise to try and start unifying the country around the issue of slavery. Part of Lincoln’s platform was to try and attempt to peacefully and legally resolve the issue of slavery. Slavery prior to Lincoln was an issue that was being pushed under the rug in both legal and cultural ways. This had ignited a fire that was engulfing most of the country. The problem of Lincoln’s views to the South was taking their individual states’ rights away, if Lincoln were to win and abolish slavery the souther states would seceded because of the lack of rights for themselves.
The southern states succeeded from the U.S. because they felt that their individual states’ rights were being violated. They believed that the north was violating them in the issue of slavery, because slavs were the backbone of the southern economy and slave owners would be greatly affected by the abolishment of slaves. The south saw abolition groups as a violation of individual states’ rights because southern people were not being allowed to keep their property. Southern citizens believed that Lincoln’s presidential election was a violation of states’s rights because he believed more in a big government and complete equality instead of the beneficial rights for individual states. Individual states’ rights was a huge reason for the succession of the south, because people felt individually targeted for the way they lived their lives.