Watergate Hotel
Autor: Sara17 • May 19, 2018 • 651 Words (3 Pages) • 581 Views
and wiretapping. Nixon might have thought he was in the clear in the months between the break-in and his re-election, but the Watergate Scandal was far from over after the burglars were tried. Five days after the burglars were caught Nixon denied knowing about the break-in and that his administration had any role in it as well. Before McCord was sentenced he wrote a letter to John Sirica, the judge of the trial, stating that Republican and white House officials knew about the break-in and wiretapping and paid the defendants to lie and keep quiet during the trial. A white House lawyer John Dean told the Senate committee that Nixon was aware of the cover up and McCord was telling the truth. Much evidence started to rise after this. All of Nixon’s documents pertaining to the cover up was destroyed. As Nixon continued to deny his involvement, he made secret tapes of conversations in his office and refused to give them up. When he agreed to turn them in, it turned out many of them were either missing or destroyed. During the summer of 1974 the Judiciary Committee approved the articles for impeachment against Nixon. On August 8thNixon sent in a resignation letter with one sentence and went on television to say “I have tried to do what is best for the nation.” He was the first and only president to quit the job.
Of all political scandals in American history, the Watergate scandal was the worst political scandal there was. Nixon lost the trust of many Americans. He is considered in many cases to be one of the worst presidents.