Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Autor: Jannisthomas • December 27, 2018 • 1,039 Words (5 Pages) • 622 Views
or bad mouthing. Use a fork at the table, don’t always believe what you here.These are all things the colonists followed hoping to improve and help their lives. This teaches us the way George Washington presented himself and how he raised himself to be, this was the ora that followed Washington and filled every room he stepped in. This is how all should try to be kind, gentle, chivalrous, an all round gentleman. This would have been the model colonist a well rounded respectful man. We should believe all Americans lived by this code, something our new generations should learn from this, we are weak they are strong. They had challenges everyday they had to overcome, adapt to and change. They fought for themselves honestly and justly, they didn’t break or whine or cry when hardships came they fought.
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This document showed us the tombstone of Benjamin Franklin’s parents. The tomb read and described their love and their lives. It stated the length of their marriage, which was 50 years. They worked hard everyday, even though it didn’t produce an estate. They were able to to comfortably maintain, through God’s grace, a large family. Their family consisted of up to 13 children and seven grandchildren, Josiah Franklin Was a Poise and prudent man. His wife Abiah Franklin Was it discreet and virtuous woman.This was also a great sign of respect from the kids towards their parents, it was a sign that would stay in stone telling everyone of their parents lives.This would give us a glimpse into most people’s lives in colonial America. It will also give us a slight background of Franklin’s parents. This would be a great visual of a colonial family, striving to live, maybe doing it comfortably, working hard each and everyday. They would have large families to farm the land and work with the animals. Many weren’t wealthy enough to have an estate to live in. Many were poor and only thrived on their small farms or their ports, Much like Franklin’s parents. Everything was a threat in colonial America, woods, natives, animals, no one was safe and neither was their work. Everyone feared everything it wasn’t like today, we were not weak., we were not the same. They risked their lives each day trying to make a living here.
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