A Defining Time for the Japanese-American People
Autor: goude2017 • November 28, 2017 • 986 Words (4 Pages) • 862 Views
Over time, the Japanese took the very few resources they had and together, they developed vast infrastructure; despite the bad conditions. They learned to grow as one, resiliently. Their development of infrastructure was described as, “People at the camps tried to establish some sense of community. Residents were allowed to live in family groups, and the internees set up schools, churches, farms, and newspapers. Children played sports and engaged in various activities” (Britannica, sec.3). They remained optimistic throughout this entire ordeal and tried to establish something close to what they once called home. This served as a distraction to the cold reality.
In addition ,the interred people adopted a vast interest in the arts and crafts. Delphine Hirasuna recalled that, “As a distraction from their plight, internees embraced such endeavors to pass the time and to enjoy the satisfaction of making something that emerged from their own imagination and industriousness. All ten of the internment camps organized classes in arts and crafts, both formal and informal, taught by internees who had been professional artists and by others who exhibited a specific skill. Other internees simply tested their own creativity, trying their hand at everything from wood carving to sand sculptures” (par.12). This was interesting way these people displayed their identity. Through art, they were able to successfully show who they were and the art they created served as a big distraction to the ongoing chaos in the air.
Even though they tried to adapt as best as they could ,the internment in the camp had many drastic effects on them. Life was anything but normal for them. Brian Niiya’s article on Japanese internment stated , “Japanese American family dynamics were dramatically altered, as Issei parents saw their authority ebb away with the newfound freedom granted the Nisei” (par.2). We can clearly see that their confinement caused family tension and we can also see that their imprisonment caused conflict within the people to exacerbate.
In summation, it is safe to say that the imprisonment of the Japanese American people definitely affected their lives. Being interred made these people loose a sense of who they are and who they once were. Many people struggled to find meaning in their lives and were constantly looking for a way to fulfill it. Being interned definitely brought these people together as one. It their union that gave them the power to push through the various conflicts and tension they encountered through their captivity. Every day was a struggle to survive and a quest to find meaning. As a community, they became one.