Who Wields True Power
Autor: Jannisthomas • January 29, 2018 • 1,153 Words (5 Pages) • 696 Views
have gone to a whole new level. It seems that humanity is now just creating a luxurious lifestyle, but not at nature’s expense. Society should be able to truly state that nature has wielded power since the beginning of time, with the creation of dinosaurs and the ice age, to modern day earthquakes, and tsunamis. Season change is also another good example of control.
Alaska being a prime place for winter, there are many things that cannot be done during the winter season. With that said the summer season is rather short, some may say that is nature having control of the weather. Now, I must admit there are devices and machines in the works to control weather conditions but they have been unsuccessful for years. Humanity knows that there are uncontrollable things in this world and are actively trying to find a way to gain control of them. The idea of the unknown frightens most of society and that in itself is why we strive to have a “utopia” or at least have control over potentially dangerous situations. Looking deep into the earth’s core we know that it is full of danger. At any moment the earth can be pushed to its limit and potentially “self-destruct”.
There are still very many mysteries about the earth, that man is a long way from solving. The development of solar panels and wind turbines are wonderful and help to contribute to the bettering of the planet. However, there are still many things being done by man that, will upset, if you will, the balance of the natural relationship. I truly believe that the sun will still rise and set with or without humanity inhabiting the earth. Nature is by far not done controlling the natural relationship. When more people in society understand that some of the things we see as a need the earth sees as a burden, the better society will be. Looking at the basic carbon footprint, or at least mine, it would take no more than 6 earths to maintain my lifestyle if everyone on the planet lived like me. So if society would like to continue to think they are the ones who control the balancing scales of the human nature relationship, there has to be a balance or an offset in the favor of those who are environmental advocates. Those who try to do what is best for the environment are those who are essentially saving society. There will be a point in time, whether it be soon or far into the future, where the plant will not contain anymore resources. Society will have, emptied the well of life. Hopefully before this day humanity has come to terms with the role they must play as inhibitors of this earth. Until then we as a society must ask ourselves when the next natural disaster happens, is there an explanation, or was it just “pay back”?
Work Cited
Crockett, William. Four Views on Hell. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publ. House, 1992. Print.
Kosti︠a︡noĭ, A. G., and A. N. Kosarev. The Aral Sea Environment. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Spirkin, A. G. "Chapter 5. Man in the Realm of Nature." Dialectical Materialism. Moscow:
Progress, 1983. N. pag.