Symbolism of Colors in Blood Wedding
Autor: Joshua • May 30, 2018 • 1,506 Words (7 Pages) • 1,485 Views
One of the other most important colors mentioned in the play Blood Wedding is the color RED. It is a color linked with two ironical ideas that is love and blood. The title of the play Blood Wedding too is ironic as there are two different ideas and both related to the color Red. From the beginning the motif of the play had been death and blood which has the color red in it while the wedding an auspicious day of ones life filled with love and care and all holy things also has the color red in it as the color of our heart is red and heart is the place from where everyone loves. Thus the play comprehending many ironies and one of them being color red has an important motif behind it. The motif is that of a person giving his life for love. In the play Leonardo and the bridegroom both fought with each other shedding blood and taking each other’s life for the same girl. So the color red within itself containing two different ideas assimilates into one idea and that is of Danger as red is the only color used for the Danger signs. The idea of color red associated with danger over here is because “Love Kills” and both love as well as kill have the color red in it and both of them when combined causes danger.
Thus the significance and the symbolism of all the colors in the play are very important to understand the play. The playwright has very appropriately added some colors to enhance the effect to enable the audience to understand and entertain them to augment their visual imagery by the use of colors in the play.
Lorca, Federico García, Federico García Lorca, Federico García Lorca, Federico García Lorca, Michael Dewell, Carmen Zapata, and Christopher Maurer. The House of Bernarda Alba and Other Plays. London: Penguin, 1992. Print.
"What Is the Significance of Color in Blood Wedding?" WikiAnswers. Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
"Find IB In His Play, 'Blood Wedding', Federico Garca Lorca Utilises Colour to Introduce Ideas of Foreshadowing to the Audience; Several References Can Be Made between the Black Used and the Deaths of Leonardo and the Bridegroom in Particular. Coursework and Essays Help from Marked By" Find IB In His Play, 'Blood Wedding', Federico Garca Lorca Utilises Colour to Introduce Ideas of Foreshadowing to the Audience; Several References Can Be Made between the Black Used and the Deaths of Leonardo and the Bridegroom in Particular. Coursework and Essays Help from Marked By N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.