Interdiscplinary Essay
Autor: Jannisthomas • October 18, 2017 • 2,070 Words (9 Pages) • 601 Views
On a different note, teaching abstinence would help control STD’s throughout the country since people having sex with only one partner would reduce the chance STD’s being transmitted. “In a country like India, where sex is rarely discussed, even among married couples, sex education for adolescents is a taboo subject […] Rural girls are usually not permitted to attend school after menarche. Adolescent boys and girls rarely have an opportunity to get to know each other, or to interact with each other socially, even in-group situations”
(Capoor 6). Sex being such a taboo subject in India makes it harder for schools to teach it. Parents refuse to discuss the subject with the children, and therefore it is up to the children to find out about it themselves. Most of the time children being curious about sex leads to them looking though abusive pornography and therefore teaches them all the wrong things, also in some cases it forces them to try it out for themselves. Teens being
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curious about sex leads to them having sex with multiple partners without any precaution, this then leads to the transmission of STD’s. Teen’s generally do not have access to contraception as a recent survey done by the
pharmaceutical company “Bayer Health Care” had shown that many young people said that they were afraid to access contraception “because their parents or relatives might find out” (Kempner 1). Therefore keeping the Indian culture in mind, if proper abstinence programs are taught in schools that educate teens about the deadly diseases caused by having unsafe sex with multiple partners, they would not even think about having sex before marriage. Teens abstaining from sex until marriage and only having it with one person would automatically reduce the chances of STD’s being transmitted. If this process of abstaining from sex until marriage is kept up for a few yeas the number of STD’s in India will decrease by a large number. Also simultaneously abstaining from sex in order to prevent STD’s would also help control the population since if the amount of sex is reduced, then so is the chances of their being more offspring. Also on a different note, teachers could give students certain web sites to students to look at in their own free time in order to seek the information they want to know about sex. Therefore children learning about sex in school would not require for their parents to discuss it with them at home.
To conclude, Overpopulation and the increasing number of STD’s were two of the major problems that India as a nation was facing today. The most logical and effective solution to controlling overpopulation and STD’s was teaching sex education in Indian schools by focusing on abstinence; since it was the only 100 % efficient method of preventing pregnancies and STD’s and thus guaranteed a brighter future for India, given that India did what it takes to educate its youth about the subject. Teaching sex education by focusing on abstinence would have helped reduce the population and control STD’s since teens abstaining from sex until marriage would reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, whereas people having sex with only one partner would reduce the chances of transmitting STD’s and simultaneously also help reduce the population. It would
be more conducive for Indian schools to focus on teaching abstinence rather than all of sex education since it would require lesser resources and lesser time, also it would be more effective as it would guarantee better results than what teaching safe sex or other forms of sex education would.
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