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Greek Spirit of Idealism

Autor:   •  January 30, 2019  •  1,256 Words (6 Pages)  •  782 Views

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To be frank, I had never given much thought to one creating their own destiny, until really I would say the past three years, when my daughter was born. My feeling to that point had always been that you were predestined to have or have not, do or do not in life, and you just handled the cards that you were dealt as best you could until your time was up on this Earth. When my daughter was born, I feel that is when I really began to question the constraints of that mindset, and I began to break from that mold of thought. I did not, and do not, want my daughter thinking that she is meant to serve whatever purpose she is born for and that is it, no questions asked. I want her to feel that she has the freedom of choice, of individualism, and the ability to change things in her life, and to be whomever she chooses to be, good or bad, it is in her power to achieve. We are all meant for great things, it lies within us all, but it’s the choices, and the mindset that shape and mold our lives, and destinies if you will. I decided that even though I am good at certain things in my life, I want to pursue other passions, and show my daughter that it can be done no matter the obstacles or what other people say or think. I may have failed before in areas of life, but that doesn’t make it permissible to quit, or not try. There is a line in the Batman Begins movie that director/writer/producer Christopher Nolan put into the movie, spoken by Bruce Wayne’s father to a young Bruce, that was one of the resounding themes of the trilogy, and also struck a chord with me. He said, “Why do we fall Bruce? So we can learn to get back up.” To me, that speaks worlds about destiny. You can be beat down by life, and you can either accept it and allow your destiny to be that of you crawling through life on your knees, or you can accept the fact that life is hard, its brutal, but life, destiny, is what you make it to be. Get back up.

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Batman Begins. Christopher Nolan. Warner Brothers. 2005. Film.

Tarbell, F.B. “A History of Greek Ancient Art”. N/A.

Department of Greek and Roman Art. “Greek Art in the Archaic Period”. The metropolitan Museum of Art. 2000.

N/A. “Polyclitus’s Canon and the Idea of Symmetria”. N/A. N/A.


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