Ideal Human Services Organization Framework
Autor: goude2017 • April 12, 2018 • 1,280 Words (6 Pages) • 699 Views
Caring Hands will speak to financial advisors and CPAs on a monthly basis to monitor the income and expenses of the company. Management will be separated into two groups to keep a record of employee and client progress. We want to make sure that the money invested in the company for products and services is being put to use properly for clients to gain self-sufficiency from our program. If the investments towards our products and services are not impacting our clients positively, then we must conduct new programs and practices to prevent loss of clients, income, and support. Employees will be monitored to ensure that we are not hiring individuals who take advantage of our system and benefits. Employees must have a 90 day probation period when hired to ensure efficiency in performing job duties. It is important to make sure that employees take their jobs serious and have empathy toward client situations for our program to be successful. Each employee and client will be evaluated on a regular basis to recognize progress or decline in performance. Progression in employees and clients will come with rewards (money, gifts, etc.) to build motivation. However, it is important that employees first learn intrinsic motivation to build a passion for Caring Hands. If employees do not perform job duties properly, our clients will not receive the proper care to become independent. The program must have a high rate of independency among clients to gain profit and future financial support from others.
Systems & Technology of Program
The role of the information system is the way to measure the impact Caring Hands has on the population we serve, through the evaluation process. This process will show us how effective our services are and to what level of impact our program has on our population. According to Barrett & Sorenson (2015) the term “Outcome Evaluation” summarizes whether or not most human service programs are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Information technology supports the design process by helping the evaluator obtain answers to research questions. (Barrett & Sorenson, 2015). Caring Hands would elect an outside evaluator to operate the research for the purpose of gaining actuate non-bias research findings. This research design would assist our organization with outcome measurements that would provide data on our relationships between the services provided, our impact on the economy, and the overall success of the program. Caring Hands will use this data to assist management with implementing more effective domestic violence education programs. As we attempt to break the batter woman syndrome in our population of women who have had repeated stays at our organization. We will target the success of this population based on the recidivism rate. We would also apply this data to improve on the effectiveness of financial independent classes and education offered to our housing program recipients. Specifically evaluating their long term financial, and personal independence after they go through our program services. In conclusion based upon this data we would make the necessary adjustments to become most effective to our population’s outcomes and overall responsiveness as it relates to their long-term success.
accountability and program effectiveness." ERIC Document, ED557770, 1-96.
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