Frankenstein - Consequences of Poor Parenting
Autor: Tim • December 4, 2017 • 1,397 Words (6 Pages) • 808 Views
needed or not proving their children with enough. In the article, Responsibilites and Duties of Parents, the author goes in depth of the responsibilities and duties of parents in modern times. “Children can bring joy, laughter, and life to a family existence, but responsible parenting involves more than laughing and playing with them”. Parents in the society fail to realize that children just aren’t toys to play with they comes responsibilities and duties, just like Victor’s parents. Victor’s parents were too busy giving him everything he wanted the failed to educate Victor on the things parenting comes along with. Not only should you love your child unconditionally, you should provide a safe environment, nutritional food and water, and an education as stated in this article.
Lack of poor parenting doesn’t just lead to emotional issues, it leads to children being involved or committing crimes. In the article, Lack of Parenting Skills, the author remind readers that children don’t become involved in illegal activities by theirself. “Crimes committed by juveniles have been linked to illegal adult activity, reports the University of Penn. Law Review.” This article clearly states lack of parenting skills can have a long-term effects on children and society such as them becoming involved in criminal activity. Relating back to the novel, Frankenstein, it’s clear that the creature was immuned to violence since Victor used brains and parts from murderers and convicts to create the creature. Therefore, it was Victor’s responsibility to guide the creature through society and life even sharing the thoughts of murders and convicts. Without proper guidance and supervision children can be involved in major crimes.
In this society, we fail to realize that children cannot raise themselves. They aren’t able to learn wrong from right unless they have someone there telling them. In the article, The Roles and Rights of Parents, the author discusses the expansion of children’s’ rights and scientific findings on brain development. “Minor children lack the understanding and life experience to make important decisions”. In many studies it shows that a human’s brain isn’t fully developed until the reach the twenties, so how can we expect kids to make the right decisions and choices all the time? Referring back to Victor, how could he expect his creation to not seek revenge after he practically left his right after birth. In his short life, he had no one to tell him right from wrong, basically he had no one at all. If were not guiding the upcoming generation, how can we expect them to make the best decisions and choices for the next generation?
Not only in the novel Frankenstein, also in today’s society the responsibilities of parents is a vast responsibility that some people fail to realize or just aren’t ready for all the consequences and things that come along with parenting. As a result of Victor abandoning the creator, the creator feels abandoned, becomes reject, begins seeking revenge leading to him becoming a killer. Not just killing people, killing those who were associated with Victor as a consequence to him not taking care of his responsibility. Will you be another parent who fails to take care of their responsibility?
Works Cited
Anderson, Jane. "The Roles, Responsibilities and Rights of Parents." American College of Pediatricians. American College of Pediatricians, 22 May 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2015.
Gerlach, Peter. "Perspective on Parental Abandonment." Perspective on the Causes and Effects of Family Abandonment. Peter Gerlach, 01 Feb. 2015. Web. 17 Nov. 2015.
"Lack of Parenting Skills." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 10 Oct. 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Responsibilities and Duties of Parents." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 25 May 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, J. Paul Hunter, and Jack Stillinger. Mary Shelley, Frankenstein: The 1818 Text. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996. Print.
Webb, Candice. "Responsibilities & Duties of Parents." Everyday Life. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.