Was Macbet a Tragic Hero
Autor: Maryam • February 11, 2018 • 713 Words (3 Pages) • 658 Views
bigger candy bar. Macbeth was no Jean Valjean; it was hard to see him as worthwhile, and even harder to attach to emotionally especially because there’s no part of his personality that is either relatable or enjoyable in anyway. His actions were so near to evil; it’s hard to root for evil without a pretty face on it.
Not only can he not be a Shakespearean tragic hero, but he can’t be classical one either. The reason being that Macbeth never suffered more than he deserved. Every consequence Macbeth suffered was a direct result of Macbeth’s actions. Macbeth went crazy from guilt of doing something he did, he was killed because of something he did, he was damned because of something he did, it’s not necessarily a puzzling pattern to observe. Not only did he deserve what he did, if I may say so myself, Macbeth’s death was for the best. For when he died, the kingdom was given a better leader and with whom it would prosper as opposed to being plagued by the rotten king it had once before.
Macbeth was a flawed man with a lot of ambition. However what some would consider a virtue and an aspect of potential greatness, Macbeth’s greatness was shortly lived, and his ambition proved to be destructive and damning. Macbeth may have had many people pushing him to do something evil, but it was his hand that wielded the weapon, and him that left a path of destruction in his trail. He chose to do everything he did and it proved to be his downfall. Because of his choices and his lack of virtue and moral character, Macbeth is not a tragic hero.