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The Giver Essay

Autor:   •  January 2, 2018  •  1,099 Words (5 Pages)  •  705 Views

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the ability to fall in love, have true friendships, or have a family. In The Giver, when Jonas experiences love he realizes that nobody in the community has ever experienced love before. After having felt love, he realizes that it is a necessity that everyone feel love and that they have not lived their lives to the full extent until they have felt those strong emotions. Every person is should be entitled a chance to be individual and special, if you exclude them of that luxury you are taking away their chance to live a fulfilled life.

Everyone’s life has been stressful at one time or another and you think it would just be easier if it was all laid out for you; if that actually happened it would not be very ideal for yourself and the people around you. Predominantly, in the society we live in today, everyone has the right to make your own choices, good or bad. If someone was there to plan your every move, you wouldn’t be able to make those good choices or learn from the bad ones. The Giver, is a great example of why it is so much more ideal to make your own choices then to have someone else do it for you. When Jonas is forced to become the Receiver, he is left with little time to play with his friends. He desperately wants the choice to do what he likes, but is unable to because his whole life is scheduled. Secondly, if somebody else schedules out every detail in your life, you can’t express yourself how you would like to. Some people love to express themselves in unique ways, such as wearing what you’d like, using their voice, through art work, or through music. You can’t express yourself if somebody else plans your life out. Lastly, if you choose your life, you have the ability to choose your own destiny. In The Giver, Jonas did not want to be assigned The Receiver, but he didn’t have a choice because his destiny was chosen for him. If The Committee of Elders choose their jobs based on their likes, dislikes, and skills, they should give the children the options of what they would like their assignment to be. Even at times of trouble, getting through it is apart of life and makes you a better and stronger person; just because having a scheduled life may be easier, easier is definitely not always better.

The community is definitely not a safe place to live. Speaking from a mental standpoint, it is very unhealthy to live in a society such as this. Your mind needs options, room to grow and the ability to make choices. The community does not allow people’s minds to have these necessities, which isn’t healthy for anyone. Some people such as tyranni supporters, feel that options and choices are luxuries that are unnecessary, but those people are wrong. You must have freedom, your imagination, your individuality, and the ability to plan your own life. Just because someone claims that something is good or safe doesn’t mean it is, that’s just their opinion on the subject. The choice really comes down to one question, would you rather live to exists or exist


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