The Effects of Drugs in Schools
Autor: Jannisthomas • January 2, 2018 • 1,403 Words (6 Pages) • 671 Views
Lastly, is believed an adolescent with a low self-esteem is a risk to possible drug abuse and addiction. In this day and age, teens start to use drugs because they want to experience new feelings, which they do not feel in everyday life. Teenagers also feel it is important to be accepted by school crowds. Unfortunately, in some cases the only way into the “in-crowd” is through the usage of drugs.
All this being said, in order to help teens stay away from drugs, high schools should implement seminars on drugs and the consequences of drug additions and abuse. By implementing such, we are teaching our children between what is right and wrong and may help influence them enough to where they will not feel like they need to abuse drugs to fit in, feel needed, have friends, or even have a good relationship at home. You are also showing your children that you care enough about them to help them stay away from drugs and learn of the negative consequences of drug abuse and addictions.
One of the programs recommended is the (DARE) program. The long-term effectiveness of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) has been assessed by comparing drug use and other DARE related trainings to a twelfth grade class who had received the program in the sixth grade. It was also assessed with 264 others who were never introduced to the program. What this survey did, was show that from 6th-12th grade, students had less participation in the use of illegal drugs and deviant drugs. So just by implementing one DARE seminar, you are potentially combating the use of illegal drugs in our school systems by our children and adolescents.
In conclusion, I believe it is very important to teach our children of the negative impacts drugs can have on them, their families, and their lives. This is why I believe it is extremely important to implement some sort of training or seminars in schools to teach children of the negative aspects of drug abuse and addiction. By doing such, not only are you helping the youths in our community and nation, but you are potentially saving lives.
Thank you!
Dukes, R.L., Stein, J.A., & Ullman, J.B. (1997). Long-term impact of drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.): Results of a 6-year follow-up. Evaluation Review, 21 (4), 483–500.
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