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Jiro's Secret of Sushi and Success

Autor:   •  April 5, 2018  •  1,513 Words (7 Pages)  •  619 Views

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to make sushi and attitude

about food or career. He also contributes his excellent skills in sushi to customers in his

restaurant. Compare to my grandfather, he uses his leisure time to publish black

newspapers, and share recent news to all the generations in his community. He also

attributes his force as part of society and become an individual who fully participated in

educated people.

Base on another principle in the United Nations’ principles of older persons,


is also important.” more old persons should be able to pursue

opportunities for the full development of their potential.” Jiro is an older adult who

always pursues more opportunities in his life to make better sushi, of food choosing,

food preparing progress, and making progress. He always believes that there isn’t a top,

and he can always climb higher in his sushi career. My grandfather also believes there

isn’t an end in knowledge. He always finds more resource in his life to gain more and

learn more, like read newspapers, or reading books. Both of the older elders are

excellent life model for me, to guide me to have a good attitude to participate, to learn,

and growth.

A good environment is a key for success. It’s interesting to know about Jiro’s life

and it’s lucky he has so many opportunities in his life to make him become a sushi

master. There are 5 of 8 important determinants are important, according to the WHO

Active Aging framework. The first one is behavioral determinants. Most food Jiro

consumption is sushi. He is generally eating very healthy. Because of his job, he stands

or walking around to make sushi. He keeps his healthy lifestyle for a long time. The only

thing changed between now and 40 years ago, as he stopped smoking; otherwise. Jiro

changed nothing between those years.

The second is personal determinants. Jiro is a hard worker and have high talent

on sushi field. He only took a break when there was an emergency like a funeral. Other

times, he loves to spend his time in the restaurant. “I’ve worked hard, so I have no

regrets.” like Jiro’s word; he always brings positive attitudes to his work. Jiro also

believes it is important to check every detail. Because Jiro have been making sushi for a

long time, therefore, some little things other Chief might not notice, but Jiro will and also

provide detailed to guide others on what to do.

The third determinant is physical environments. Today’s Japan is an aging

society status. The whole society has a complete system to support aging people, and

provides an “aging friendly” environment for elders. Jiro have good opportunities to

consume good quality of food as a chief. All of good environments around Jiro made

him living safe.

The fourth determinant is culture. Japan is an island country, with rich sources of

seafood. Sushi as one of popular Japanese traditional food, devised to emphasise the

flavors of fresh fish and shellfish in naturally. In Jiro’s restaurant, they will age a small

tuna for around three days, and age a larger tuna for over ten days. Jior believes each

tuna is unique and it’s leaner meat is the carrier of the essence of the flavor. And tuna

vendor in Japan is a tuna expert, so does shrimp vendors. In a different field of seafood,

each of the vendors are experts.

The last determinates is the social environment. Jiro have two sons to support

his sushi career and he can always talk to other chiefs in his restaurant about more

secrets of sushi. Also, some of Jiro’s childhood friends are still alive. They can meet

together to eat and share common experiences as a cohort group. They also support

each other from an emotional way.

I used think elders are more likely to just relax at home or just watching TV.

Elder like Jiro or my grandfather,who have great education, with new thinking, original

vision and great passion about life and knowledge. They don’t admire they are old,

except the biology age. It’s important for older people to do something in their leisure

time, like reading, writing, or other sports activities, rather than just watching TV or play

cards game all the day. Those activities can be a benefit for elder to practice their brain,

active their bodies, and more benefit to their health. I also learned that ageism is a real

issue in our society that everyone should think about this issue over times. Elder people

still have abilities to think, to do a task, and take care of themselves. All the society

needs to be more respect elders and understands their needs. What impressed me the

most are positive attitudes of Jiro, and his passions to the career and the life. “Always

look up and improve on yourself. Always strive to elevate your craft” will also be my


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