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Is It Now Time to Scale Mjini’s Operations?

Autor:   •  October 11, 2018  •  955 Words (4 Pages)  •  608 Views

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industry and gives them an added advantage in the market.

But there are several things going against Mjini as well.

¬ Their lack of experience does not allow them to get all the clients since the clients are looking for companies with experience and track record. The only way for Mjini to get the experience is by getting more work.

¬ The bond between Patrick and Jeff is so good that they prefer to speak to the customers themselves and they prefer to work together. This could hamper the growth of the company If someone must do the other job or If they bring in more people into the company.

¬ They are learning as they go. They do not have a fixed strategy to tackle problems, fixed pricing strategy or a fixed action plan to any problem. This means that it could take them longer to get the research done and they do not charge the companies appropriately.

Given the advantages that Mjini has over its competitors and to capture the huge market that is untapped, I would suggest Mjini to scale its operations now in order to ensure profitable growth of the company. They are growing fast and are learning with every project they take on. This can ensure that they can turn their disadvantages into strengths as they take on more projects and learn from different industries. The Strategy that I would suggest the company to follow is:

¬ Staffing – To leverage their advantages and to ensure that they get maximum value to the company and customer, they need to hire more staff. The staff they hire must be of a similar age group as their demographic. This way, Jeff and Patrick can train the new trainees quickly and ensure that the bond between the team is good. The new staff can take the relatively smaller clients while Jeff and Patrick can handle the big-name brands.

¬ Pricing – I would suggest that they use a charge per hour model so that they can ensure they give the most value to the customer without deteriorating value for themselves (Best Result without undervaluing themselves).

¬ Focus – The business model and market is so wide that the company does not have to focus on one industry. This is another reason why the company must hire more people. They can cater to various clients this way and grow.


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