Autor: Sharon • November 16, 2017 • 7,832 Words (32 Pages) • 782 Views
2. Our group’s experience towards ETR300 (Introduction to Entrepreneurship) has given us an exposure and a clear picture on the fundamentals of starting a business. This experience may serve as an advantage for us after graduating from UITM and also towards self-employment which may help to reduce unemployment rate among graduates.
3. Prior to the completion of this project, the team had gathered many ideas and I personally feel that this project can become a reality one day. The road to become a real entrepreneur is made simple with the existence of team spirit as what our team showed and the basic knowledge that we gained from this project. In contrasts, the project may become difficult to be completed if the existence of negative elements such as laziness, selfish and impatience appear. Daring to take risks and not daring to fail become our ingredients in order to make this project become a reality in the future.
Your attention, guidance and cooperation have given us the spirit and motivation for this business plan to finally be accomplished successfully. It is insufficient to express our grateful for your efforts of giving us sufficient knowledge and we hope for Allah’s blessings to you and your family.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
General Manager,
MicroPest Partnership.
This letter is written on 20th August 2012 according to the agreement that is agreed the shareholders of Micropest Partnership.
- The name of the business is Micropest Partnership
- The contract will be in effect on 13th May 2012.
- The positions are described below:
GENERAL MANAGER : Aisyah Ibrahim
Each partner has agreed that;
- Aisyah Ibrahim as the General Manager contributes 40% of the shares
- Edward Ithin as the Marketing Manager contributes 20% of the shares
- Nick Witten as the Operating Manager contributes 20% of the shares
- Sophea Adam as Financial Manager contributes 20% of the shares
- Basic payments for all partners are RM1000.00 per month based on their education and qualifications except the basic payment of General Manager which is RM1300.00.
- Nevertheless, any partner is allowed to contribute additional amount of capital more than as stated above. The rate of percentage of profit sharing will be then be conferred by the new amount of contribute y the particular partner. However, it is agreed that whatever matter matters occurred, unless been decided by all partners later, Asniar Binti Salim is the General Manager of the business organization.
- The business will start on 13th May 2012.
- All the partners are required to work as a team to achieve the vision and mission of the company.
- Any partner who wants to quit from this partnership shall give at least 7 days notice prior to registration. But the other remaining partners may continue the business.
- If any of the partners is death, the business entity shall not be dissolved and shall be continued.
- Partners are collectively responsible to the liability o the business and shall act according, ethically and morally.
- Any provisions in the partnership act 1961 shall take effect on any situation, circumstances, and matters that are not been mentioned in this matter.
- All partners agreed that they have understood that contents of this contents of this letter and will obey all the rules and regulations of the partnerships. Any partners, who disobey the rules and regulation, may take all responsibilities due to damage, or loss, or defects caused his actions.
- All these are understood and agreed by:
Yours faithfully,
(General Manager)
(Marketing Manager)
(Operational Manager)
(Financial Manager)
Asniar Binti Salim
General Manager
Micropest Partnership
Muara Tabuan Light Industrial Park
93050 Kuching
13th May 2012
Financial Manager
Loan Department
Bank Rakyat Berhad
Desa Ilmu Phase 25
94300 Kota Samarahan
I, Asniar Binti Salim as the General Manager of Micropest Partnership, would like to apply for a business loan from your bank with the total amount of RM45,770. This amount is an addition for our business capital.
2. Our company is manufacturing environmental friendly product which is Micropest Spray. Our business is operating at Muara Tabuan Light Industrial Park, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak. This location is very