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Toyota Marketing Case Study

Autor:   •  June 10, 2019  •  Case Study  •  2,013 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,762 Views

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Answer 1        2

1.Power Distance        2

2. Individualism        2

3.Masculinity        3

4.Uncertainty Avoidance        3

5.Long-Term Orientation        4

6.Indulgence        4

Answer 2        5

Answer3        5

Answer.4        6

 Assignment 1

Answer 1

1.Power Distance

This measurement illustrates the inequality between the individuals of the society by determines the impact of cultural values by amongst us.

Power Distance in India

In India, Power Distance scored 77. It assumes that attitude of power distance of Indian culture is described that rights of the boss and employees are different.

Power Distance in New Zealand

New Zealand very down in this measurement at 22. Communication between the supervisor and workers always same.

Power Distance in Toyota India- Work is done by the orders of the officers of the higher management of the company.

2. Individualism

The basic matter expressed by this business practice about the self-independence of society`s people.

Individualism in India

In the term individualism, India has interlude 48 marks, that is social relations of the country are both collectivistic and individualistic character.

Individualism in New Zealand

New Zealand has a better score in Individualism which is at 79. People loved to live into their families and they always interlude to work as a self-reliant concept

Individualism in Toyota India Plant- Mostly work in the plant is done in teamwork. For Example- a raised framework of planning and mindfulness and directing taken a toll related gathering to ensure the dealers are forceful.


The essential matter is about the nature of the people to do best(masculine) and what they like to do (feminine).

Masculinity in India

The scoring level of India is 56 which described that India`s business is based upon the success and competition.

Masculinity in New Zealand

New Zealand is also like India at the marks of 58. Dealings are done by the ethics of the people in school, work, and sports.

Masculinity in Toyota India- There is assumed from the annual report and images of the annual report that in Toyota there is most of the maleness is the evidence of masculinity in Toyota.

4.Uncertainty Avoidance

The estimate addressed that how people accept the truth rather than attached to their cultural beliefs and values.

Uncertainty Avoidance in India

As India`s score 40 shows that people believed in the tuning of faultiness. People do not react on firstly actions are generally supposed in the adjustment in every condition.

Uncertainty Avoidance in New Zealand

New Zealand stayed at 49 marks which are not enough to indicate the uncertainty avoidance of the people.

Uncertainty Avoidance in Toyota India- Today mostly countries increased their manufacturing of electric cars but in India Toyota do not increase their market for the production of these cars.

5.Long-Term Orientation

 This estimation depicts how each common open should keep up many associations with it possess specific past whereas control the troubles of the show and future.

Long-Term Orientation in India

In India, it lies on the 51 scores which shows that Indian people do not prefer too much thinking about the future.

Long-Term Orientation in New Zealand

New Zealand scored less 33 that elaborate people are perspective. They believed in the truth and they are prescriptive in their thinking.

Long Term orientation In New Zealand-  In 2015, global sales of Toyota were 100.83 lakhs cars in which India`s market share was 1.3 %. Toyota set a target of 10 % market share in this country until 2025. (Toyota Annual Report India, 2016)


 This valuation is considered as the notch to which persons endeavour to regulator their requirements and powerful powers.

Indulgence in India

Lowest score 26 of indulgence shows the simplicity in its culture control social groups always remained stable in their daily life and their aspirations are limited.

Indulgence in New Zealand

New Zealand scores 75 marks which show their indulgence in culture. People of their societies generally believed to complete their aspirations and enjoy the fun.

Indulgence in Toyota India

People in India prefer small cars rather than big so by this cultural behaviour of the societies Toyota planned to manufacture more small cars in India for increasing the market share of the company.

Answer 2. “Think All comprehensive, Act Locally” To require the predominant state utilized to delineate normal strategies, it’s really basic to recognize that markets are different around the world.

From this Standardised Global Marketing means companies set their one standard for other countries of the world as well as their home country. When companies accepted the native things to promote their product in the country so that people can easily attract with the product is called adaptive marketing strategy.

Annual Report 2016 in New Zealand- As we see that Toyota in New Zealand accepts advance marketing strategy which includes both Standardised and adaptive strategy. For example: If we see the advertisement of the Toyota Hilux on YouTube. They made advertisement on the hunting and fishing culture of the country and the displayed the car off-road features and its seating capacity in the advertisement which shows that family of the country would easily go for spending their weekend far from the city. (Toyota New Zealand Facebook, n.d.) So, as we know that Toyota in New Zealand imports their cars from Japan, China, Thailand, Australia and the USA. By this analysing, we concluded that Toyota adapt Global standardization marketing as well as adapting strategic. (Toyota Annual Report New Zealand, 2016)


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