Journal Critique on Precarious Work
Autor: Adnan • February 28, 2018 • 1,148 Words (5 Pages) • 719 Views
In showing the framework and the methodology of the article, a simplified diagram was created in order to show the “specific precarious work practices and the impact of the drivers and practices of precarious work” (p. 17). It shows a quick overview of the study and its result as conducted by the authors. In order to gather data, the author conducted a survey within 12 unionized hotel establishments across the Philippines affiliated with a strong union known in the country. Additionally, one-on-one interviews were also conducted. With this regard, the author was able to develop both a personal level of interaction with the precarious workers. In creating this level of interaction and method, the author was able to gain first hand knowledge of what the working conditions or the effects of precarious work such set up does to these hotel workers. It would, however, been useful to give a description of the working conditions, the work actually done, and the type of work given to these workers across their different jobs in different or multiple hotel sites. This way, the reader will have a deeper understanding of what type of work is given to precarious workers. It will also be able to further create a level of urgency for the reader and in, possibly, helping start the lobbying for such amendment of the laws.
In this light, the author chose not to stick to only one type of recommendation. She also gave several courses of action that will address the problems. As whole, however, such actions have to do with the labor laws of the Philippines—unions, collective bargaining arrangements, lobbying for change, contractual arrangements. As these were clearly broken down and explained, an example of a situation similar to this or in another industry possibly in an international perspective would have been helpful in order to further make the author’s recommendation. If not yet implemented, possibly other countries pushing for the protection of these precarious workers. This would further help the several recommendations or courses of actions and the conclusion given by the author. This way, there will be a clearer direction on what exactly should be done in order to create a sense of insistence on changing or lobbying for such change within the reader of the article. If not lobbying, to induce the reader to do a further study on such several precarious workers’ condition.
Overall, the article was good as it addresses a relevant problem in society today. It is a problem that almost everyone can relate to—as long as they are in the working class. The author was able to create a complicated issue into a simplified explanation of what most people tend to ignore within the working industry. It creates a sense of alertness within the reader that such issue is ongoing and that if this is a condition ongoing within the hotel industry, it could also be happening within other industries as well. It was well-written with an important message to the public administration.