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A Study of online Shopping Behaviors of Consumers in Yangon

Autor:   •  January 31, 2018  •  3,172 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,038 Views

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As we know that online shopping requires shipping fees for product delivery. Some consumers who would prefer a quick delivery will have to pay higher cost while others may prefer to wait if they pay lower shipping and handling charges.

It is important for e-tailers to provide various types of merchandise and preferential price because customer satisfaction is still based on product price and product variety; to create competitive advantage. In online shopping, consumers are able to compare prices online and they will have the material benefit because they can analyze and compare prices based to enhance their decision to purchase.

Shoppers who value convenience can obtain the benefits of product and services with less money spent and this would have a positive relationship with shoppers' excitement; increasing search efficiency by eliminating travelling costs and psychological costs brings convenience in e-shopping.

3. Time saving

A major benefit is that no travel time is needed if you want to shop online. It can be done within the comfort of your own home, it can be done at any time of day. Search options also significantly reduce shopping time. (Jayawardhena et. al., 2009)

In an online store you can instantly look for what you need and want. Prices are often cheaper too, with online retailers not having to pay large overhead expenses for brick-and-mortar shops and many retailers can be found. And with search options often offering categories, pricing ranges, sizes, or quantities, life can be made much quicker and easier.

4. Perceived risk

Consumers are concerned about the performance and quality of the purchased product, loss of time or money, or whether the purchased product matches the online description.

understanding consumer’s perceptions and attitudes of risks for internet shopping is a very important component for understanding e-commerce.


Tangibility is expected to be a factor that consumers will consider during the purchasing process. (Rajamma, Paswan and Ganesh, 2007).

Consumers are particular about the tangibility of a product is because they need the security and assurance of the product purchased is in a good condition and assurance of purchasing the right thing.

Assurance is important to capture confidentiality, shopping security, complaint resolution, problem solving and warranties.

For online shopping, tangible products are more likely to have higher potential to be purchased by the consumers while products such as car, computers, perfume, perfume or lotion has the lower potential to be purchased by the consumer because it requires more personal knowledge and experience (Grewal, Iyer and Lavy, 2004)

Some consumers may perceive that the items offered in online shopping will be difficult to choose than offline shopping because they need to seek advice from sales personnel. The products are intangible in the online shopping environment, detailed and complete product information should be provided; to know the quality of a product, consumer can only rely on the pictures and description on the web page (Lindstrom, 2001)



This chapter illustrates the way of the research has been conducted by presenting the methodologies and theories used. The technical details of the research are described and detailed. Important issues such as, philosophy of the research, preparation of the research, the method and procedure of data collection, components of questionnaire, sampling decision are covered.

The first process is topic selection. The knowledge, observations and interest on a topic help to finalize the topic. After that, theories and literatures have been searched to support the research. Next, the problem and the research question has been developed and research method has been selected. The next step is to collect data with using the methods planned. After the data is collected, we analyse the data with selected theories. At last, the conclusion was drew.

3.1 Research Approach and Research Philosophy

The deductive approach attempts to figure the theory first and then moving from the theory, the collected data is tested. Moreover, the deductive approach is valid for quantitative data and since this study consists quantitative data, it is appropriate for this study.

3.2 Data Collection

In order to accomplish the research objectives and to address the research question this dissertation draws on primary data collection methods. The questionnaires were sent out to the population via internet, email and facebook using Google Forms. The data were collected between May 7 and May 15, 2016. 45 were responded and 39 were used for analysis (six incomplete responses have been eliminated).

3.3 Primary Data


In order to collect data from viewpoint of consumers, the strategy of the research is the survey. To investigate consumer behaviours and purchasing decisions, a quantitative approach is used to analyse the results from the survey. Survey in the form of questionnaire is chosen for this research. The questionnaire were prepared as self-administered and published electronically using the Internet, Internet-mediated questionnaires. After finalising the questionnaire, before the distribution of them, the questionnaire presented to three participants to test it. Pilot test provided to receive suggestions from respondents to enhance the questionnaire.

Sampling strategy

In order to address the research aim the participants were selected using convenience sampling method. Survey forms were created using Google Forms and surveys were collected by sharing among social network.

Methods of spreading the questionnaires

Since the topic deals with behaviour of online consumers, online questionnaires were used. A free service website, Google Spreadsheets, used for the survey and allow participants to answer the questionnaire online. After the online questionnaire have been created, the questionnaire link was emailed to participants. At the same time, it is also asked them to forward the questionnaire to their cases. Secondly, the questionnaire distributed through Facebook.


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