Marketing Consumer Behavior Chapter 1&2 Review
Autor: Jannisthomas • January 9, 2018 • 1,677 Words (7 Pages) • 767 Views
at a level of society, industry, market segment, or individual. Consumer analysis can aid society by grabbing a general population and appealing to the largest seciton. For industry you can appeal to industries preferences. For market segment certain chains and pieces within the market. Finally with individual certain peoples preferences. all based on consumers and their analysis’s.
All three examples come from my work. When coldstone stopped selling sugar cookie batter there was definitely a ripple effect. we ended up loosing customers because of how they truly were affected. They felt frustrated by the situation and simply stopped coming by until they heard that we had it again. That leads me to my second point. The environment changed things. People were talking to each other and eventually were able to have enough complaints for the corporate office to tell us that we needed to put sugar cookie batter back in stock. So we did. The environment suddenly felt friendlier. Lots of people were pleased and everything was good. The last example is when coldstone started our reward program. By rewarding our customers with freebies and such we dramatically grew in our income of customers and sales. We also noticed the our “regular” customers buying behaviors changed. They would start by 2 to almost three times as much as ice cream as usual and would come in a lot more.
For coldstone no. In some places though I have seen where companies are not customer focused and will do anything to cheat customers out of their money. Its so rude and sickening. For example, our own government monitors our behavior with phones and they are trying to see even more into our lives which disregards our privacy, security, and ethics just because they feel the need to be in control.
The census that I could gather is that many whit americans are dying at a faster rate than any other race. The other thing I noticed is that more males are dying and a majority of them haven’t even hit 40 yet. The society level for consumer analysis would find this very useful because it would know what group of society it wants to target. Either the one going out soonest or the one in it for the long run.
It was very important for McDonald to organize themselves this way. This allowed for a greater span and customer out reach than the traditional method.
McDonalds method has been very effective. In the world chain of quick serve they by far are the top system grossing in over 35.447 million dollars in sales just last year.
The key elements were. Its new. Its exciting. Its like having a burger in a bowl. This message sort of does. It describes what goes in it and shows people that they put some popular yummy single foods together to make a delicious combo.
Asian, American, Indian, and Eastern. All those should be considered and looked into to best market to every ethnic group out there. Marketing plans such as curry and other spicy sauces will probably resonate with an Indian ethnicity. While rice, soy sauce, and chicken will resonate better with an Asian ethnicity. They should make tv ads that correlate and relate to the ethnic group they are targeting.
Location is an important factor in sales. Since McDonalds is a national fast food corporation they will market different foods that appeal to different culture. For example, in India and other eastern countries the body is held very high and respected. So you will probably see healthier food items on the menu than you would here in America where the body is just a tank needing refilling every few hours.
It’s pretty difficult. You walk a very thin line when planning. You have a ton of factors to consider too. So you just have to plan wisely.