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Tecsmart Electronics

Autor:   •  January 12, 2018  •  2,880 Words (12 Pages)  •  806 Views

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- Some employees might resist change.

3. Combine the two principles and adopt those that will further improve TecSmart Electronics’ business operation.


- Both philosophies provides different sets of strengths.

- If both are properly integrated, it would bring good results to the company’s operation.


- Additional costs.

- Some employees might resist change

Table 1 shows the comparative analysis of the two principles in accordance with key topics as presented by

Topic Baldrige Deming

Definition of Quality "Customer-driven quality"

- it views quality as defined by customers "Conformance to specifications"

- it views quality as defined by the producers

Primary Focus Customer Satisfaction and Quality Statistical Quality Control

Overall Approach Quality of Management Management of Quality

Purpose Promotes competitiveness through TQM Promotes quality assurance through statistical techniques

Orientation 60% result, 40% process 60% process, 40% results

Information Management Heavily concern Less concern

Table 1. Comparison of Deming and Baldrige’s Principle.

Source: AuthorStream

The group evaluated the three alternatives using the criteria below:

Criteria Weight Baldrige Deming Combine

Support from Management 15% 13 9 13

Ease of Implementation 15% 12 15 13

Cost Implication 20% 14 18 16

Impact to Internal Processes 20% 14 19 16

Impact to Customer Satisfaction 30% 27 23 29

TOTAL 100% 80 84 87

Table 2. Evaluation of the Alternatives.

Detailed Recommendations

Based from the analysis of the case, the group decided to adapt the combine principles of Deming and Baldrige for TecSmart Electronics to drive process improvement and gain competitive leadership. Figure 1 below shows the Baldrige Excellence Framework which will be integrated to Deming’s 14 Points illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Baldrige Excellence Framework.

Figure 2. Deming’s 14 Points


Using Benneth 2014’s comparative analysis between Baldrige and Deming’s principles as mapped in Figure 3, the group did a self-assessment review of TecSmart Electronics’ business operation using Baldrige’s framework itemized in Table X.

Figure 3. Comparative Map of Baldrige Framework to Deming’s 14 Points

Table 3. Completed Self-Assessment Worksheet for TecSmart Electronics using Baldrige Excellence Framework .

Criteria category Importance

High, medium, low For High-Importance Areas

Stretch (strength) or improvement (OFI) goal What action is planned? By when? Who is responsible?

1 Leadership


1. Company Culture for Quality High Tecsmart Electronics has a good reputation for embracing quality and process improvement. Top management had long established Deming’s philosophy as guideline for embracing operational process, quality and improvement Ongoing Top Management

2. Organizational Governance High Overseeing that design requirements and customer satisfaction are met. Process are formally documented using statistical process control to monitor variation and provide basis for corrective actions . Ongoing Top Management


1. Corporate Social Responsibility Medium Company’s initiative of taking responsibility to its environment and social well being. Create a champion or a committee who will organize CSR activities as organization’s initiative to actively take part on its social welfare Ongoing Top Management

2 Strategy


1. Competitive Leadership High Ability to view of the future that includes not only the markets or segments in which you compete but also how you compete. To use customer feedback, and market research to learn new philosophy and improve quality of work Ongoing Senior Leaders, Marketing, Operations and Process Improvement Team


1. Strategic Planning (Goal Setting) High Increase Employee Engagement Business goals and objectives should not just be SMART but rather SMARTER - Specific, Measurable, Accurate, Realistic, Time-bound, Engaging and Rewarding. Quarterly, Mid Year and Annual Review Senior Leaders and Human Resources

2. Customer‐

focused excellence High Enhanced Customer Support To improve client focus, there should be a clear distinction of roles among the client facing functions:

1. Sales/ Business Development

2. Account Management

3. Customer Service HelpDesk Within 6 months or 1 year Senior Leaders and Human Resources

3 Customers


1. Customer Feedback High Improve Customer Service Conduct the employee customer feedback survey on a quarterly basis. Quarterly Vice President for Marketing


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