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Fast Food

Autor:   •  January 15, 2018  •  4,926 Words (20 Pages)  •  889 Views

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2.3 Cultural

Cultural may also affect people to choose Fast Food, It involves taste, food, music, art behaviour and so on. According to Osman Bakar, culture is a major driver which is to determining the type of food we are going to eat. (Osman, Mohd and che wan) As a simple term, people will choose the food by which normally eat. Different cultural has different choice. For example: Malaysia people love spicy food but Taiwan didn’t. Food taste preferences are influenced by the culture where we live in. ( Len, Glive and Pamela 2001) People in Malaysia love to eat fried food, therefore Malaysian are easier to accept Fast food. However, Malaysian people like to bring the children to fast food restaurant, because children like fried food. That is the reason why Malaysian are like fast food so much due to fast food. According to Emily Brindal, Different cultures have varying specifications which to determine the way of individual view food and eating. (Emily,B 2010).people especially urban people are more likely to consume fast food compare to countryman, because urban people always bring their children to the fast food restaurant but countryman will not and also Fast food restaurant are local around the city like everywhere, people easier to get there, not like countryman, the fast food restaurant might be very far for them. That is why urban people are used to consume fast food, it is also due to different state have different cultural and it affect people when choosing food. Moreover, most of the people especially those highly education people think western culture was superior and willing to follow them instead of their own culture, take china as example, most of the young people are prefer to buy, consume or wear foreign brand product rather than own country brand, people think wearing western brand is cool and awesome, due to everyone chasing western culture. According to Rehan, even a very small percentage of young people who wear western clothes, follow western entertainment or eat western foods, then those people will hard to restrict from thinking like a westerner, and it also affected people to do so. (Rehan, S. 2009) people will do whatever westerner did, because people think western are cool and awesome, it can be affected by western movie or fashion, therefore people will choose fast food.

2.4 Price

Next is Price, Price is one of the most important factor in the consumer buying process, Price simply term as used to value the goods and services, According to Michael, access and prices are the important determinants of food consumption, (Michael, G. et al 2006) people will make more or like to purchase when come to promotion, reducing price and so on, this situation can show that people concern the price more than other factor. people do not only concern about how fast the preparation and serving of the products but also concern about the food price especially to the young generation, as young people have lower income, therefore the lower price of fast food product were attracted people to consume. (Elena and Ana 2014) economics nowadays are not too well, especially Malaysia, those office worker can’t afford for eating at other restaurant every day. Therefore people choosing Fast food restaurant, which contain delicious, air condition and cheap. According to Julia, fast food is the common food with low prices, casual atmosphere and efficient service. (Julia 2013) Price is the factor which influencing people choosing fast food restaurant, Fast food consumers are usually seeking price deal and promotions before visiting the fast food restaurants. ( Ali, K. et al 1995) In fact, Fast food restaurant knew people like lower price foods, therefore fast food come out with a very good strategy to target the lower income consumer, which is promote value meal at lunch and dinner times with giving the same product but reduced the price. Young people prefer fast food because fast food offer the dishes of meal with big and cheap. (Elena and Ana 2014) this showing that people might also concern the worthy beside the price. Moreover, According to Jamelle, found that, one dollar in Mexico couldn’t but healthy food, but can buy a single double cheeseburger from McDonald’s, this show that Fast food are more cheaper than other. ( Jamelle, B. 2010) The other food from outside especially healthy foods is much more expensive than unhealthy food, and this the reason why people choosing Fast food. Eating healthy food are three times cost compare to the unhealthy foods and the price gap is widening. (Laura, D. 2014) Fast food restaurant price is fix due to the cost were fixed, not like other restaurant might have uncertainly price range which following the cost of the ingredients. Some of the food market might fooling the people, therefore higher cost equal to higher price, and the consumer have to pay more.

2.5 Environment

Last but not least, Environment also affected people to choose fast food, at this point, we are talking about physical environment, it define as the level of noise, temperature and so on. A good environment might make consumer come over and over again, it is due to people love to see or enjoy good environment. According to Shun Yin Lam, Store environment in a term of shopping value, which can affected people to purchase more or went back again and again. (Shun 2001) Thus, response to store environment will be different due to the different shopping experience. When the environment was good, people might be stop the busy schedule, relaxed and enjoying the environment, in simple term good mood. According to Elena, the environment can influence the consumers expectation, even those consumer before ordering something and consumer will think about the environment when consumer choose a place to eat. (Elena and Ana 2014) Environment use to make people comfortable, when comfortable occur to consumer, consumer will feel satisfied, beside that, environment is to motivate people mood, a good mood can affect consumer buying behavior and also to make consumer come back to the restaurant again. It is very simple, when consumer didn’t like the place, even the foods are delicious and service is good, consumer will not going back, because of the place might make people feel angry, sad, and uncomfortable and so on. According to Richard, when people want to buy something, people will not choose the shop which make them unpleasant, because shoppers considering the stores to be unpleasant environments. (Richard,F 1993) This show that bad experience cause consumer changing the decision. Beside that, some of the people will purchases the meal unplanned. Consumer didn’t want to eat but the environment will cause consumer to purchase. For example, WIFI cause people gather at fast


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