Rhetorical Analysis of Supersize Me - Fast-Food Restaurants: Who’s to Blame?
Autor: Maryam • May 14, 2018 • 1,748 Words (7 Pages) • 760 Views
Through ethos and logos Supersize Me conducts interviews, medical check-ups, and provides the audience with information, Spurlock shows concern and gives the audience the impression that he knows what he is talking about. Therefore, Spurlock earns respect and establishes credibility at the same time, which makes his arguments even more effective. A big way of persuading the audience to not eat McDonald’s/fast-food as much as America advertises that it is okay to is by the use of pathos. Throughout the film, Spurlock often makes humorous comments to create a comical relief to lighten up the film while still strong about his arguments. He would refer to his symptoms as the “McTummy ache” or “McGargles” or explain how he felt “McCrazy” at times (Spurlock, 2004). The film actually began humorous when it began and children were singing a jingle about how they like food. Also, on his last day of the experiment (Day 30), the day was titled “The Last Supper” and showed a picture of what would be the scene from the Bible, yet it’s Ronald McDonald with other cartoon characters with a McDonald’s burger fries and soda in front of him (Spurlock, 2004). These actions and illustrations help keep the audience entertained while at the same time persuaded to turn away from fast-food corporations. With the use of disgust, Spurlock shares how much his body was affected as time progressed, and how much he didn’t feel himself anymore. Before he began the experiment, he had weighed 185 lbs and was a unusually healthy man. By the time the 30 days had passed, he gained 24.5 lbs, his liver turned to fat by inflammation and hardening, his cholesterol went up 65 points (over the healthy 200), he went from having 11% body fat to 18%, his sex life was almost nonexistent as to what it used to be, he often felt depressed, exhausted, had major mood swings, massive cravings, and headaches (Spurlock, 2004). If that isn’t direct enough evidence to persuade the audience to eat healthier, they must truly not care about their bodies’ health.
By Spurlock speaking with professionals as well as random citizens on the streets of New York, we can observe the ignorance of everyday Americans towards the fast-food industry and the harm it does to the human body if regularly consumed. The film demonstrates the way our society incessantly pushes unhealthy highly processed foods through our supermarkets, school cafeterias, fast food restaurants, TV commercials, street build board signs, etc., that are slowly poisoning millions of children and setting them up for a life of declining health. Morgan Spurlock was brave enough to show America the detrimental affects of what these foods do to our bodies. By using a great deal of ethos, logos, especially pathos, and many ethics of rhetoric, Supersize Me shocked people nation wide. The film did a great deal of relating to everyday people which helps getting its point across to a broad audience. Watching this documentary can change one mind on the whole perspective of the fast-food industry.
Works Cited
Spurlock, Morgan, dir. Supersize Me. THE CON, 2004. Film.