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Apple Inc

Autor:   •  November 25, 2017  •  3,201 Words (13 Pages)  •  880 Views

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The company best known hardware products are the Macintosh line of computers the iPod, iPhone and iPad. Their software include the Mac OS X Operating system and the iTunes media browser.

Apple is one of the biggest electronic gadgets industry in the world. It has posted revenues of 108 billion. In spite of high strengths, Company’s high prices products, faulty battery backups of lap top and mobile phones prove a drawback for company as well as its products.

The success of Apple Company can be traced primarily to single individual – founder, Steve Jobs. Jobs and his friend, Steve Wozniak founded and built Appleby in to a $32 billion dollar company. Apple Inc. 30 years history is full of up & downs, which is what we would expect in a high innovative. Illustration 01

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Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systems and structures, and not surbodinate to them.


Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to student, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and internet offerings.

Table 01

Major Hardwar Products

Major software product

Stores & Services

Apple TV


App Store



Game center



iTunes Store

iPod (classical, Nano, Shuffle touch)




Illustration 02

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Jobs Steven

Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. His full name is Steven Paul Jobs. Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, a lower-middle-class family. He showed interest in electronics and gadgetry. He loved to spent time in neighbor’s garage.

After graduating from high school, he entered to Reed College. But he dropped it after first semester. He went to India to study eastern religions in the summer. In 1975 Jobs Steve joined to Home Brew Computer Club.

In 1976, Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak founded Apple in a garage. There was a huge gap in the computer market. He realized everyone can’t afford to a computer. He redesigned their computer. First personal computer Apple I Introduced to computer market by Apple Company. It was very successful.

Next step Jobs Steve invented Apple III & Lisa. But it was an unsuccessful story due to technical errors. Apple Company lost half of its market share in 1983.

Whatever happed he never stopped his innovations. In 1984 they invented Macintosh with a mouse. It was very easy to use. But Macintosh didn’t sell well. This led to a power struggle within the company with the board backing CEO, John Scully, and Jobs Steve asked to resign. Jobs fired from his own company.

After he bought a small company, Pixar. It was specialized in computer animation. Later he founded new company called NeXT, a company that manufactured computers designed for the higher education market and, later, and the business market. However, its innovation OS became extremely influential.

In 1996 Apple Inc. purchased NeXT software for over $400 million. Jobs returned to Apple Inc. In 1997 jobs was named interim CEO of Apple Inc.

He died on October 05, 2011 due to a cancer. He was a Great man.There are lots of good things we can get from his life. He followed his own dreams and that all dreams achieved. And he never gave up. Always he tried to do something different. He created advisory slogan called Think different.

Problem Statement 01

. Illustration 03

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- Autocratic Leadership style

First of all we will look at what the leadership is, Leadership means “Inspiring people to do their best to achieve a desired result. It involves developing and communicating a vision for the future while motivating people and securing their engagement.” There are 04 theories related to Leadership. Those are,

- Trait theory

- Behavioral theory

- Contingency theory

- Situation theory

Autocratic leadership is related to behavioral theory. It means “The belief that rate of success is based on the way in which they behave.” Leadership shown by a person’s acts more than by his traits.

Autocratic Leadership means “A leadership in which the leader dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved and directs and control all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates”

Jobs Steve is an example for Autocratic Leader. Because he did what he wants without asking from subordinates. He made each and every decision without considering others ideas. He was the boss and gave orders using tell style. Employees need to be dedicated and totally driven by results. All of those reasons proved us that he is an Autocratic Leader.

Also jobs Steve is a task oriented leader. The task concerned leaders are focusing their behaviors on the organizational structure, the operating procedures and they like to keep control under themselves. He wanted people to follow his lead. He didn’t want to delegate authority. He won’t the best delegator. He wanted to involve to everything in Apple Company.

Autocratic leadership will have lots of strengths. People (employees) do what leader (Jobs) want. Leader controls people according to his power. People follow leaders. Leader takes people to his dream. Jobs Steve did the same. Strict


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