Advertising Regulations
Autor: Joshua • January 6, 2018 • 810 Words (4 Pages) • 857 Views
Considering that many business use advertising as a way to market their business it would be helpful if “The Federal Trade Commission” paid more closely attention to companies who intentionally defraud consumers.
Business scandal has being main front of many financial business such as Telecom, Enron, Target, and Health South; however, one doesn’t think more government regulations or laws would help companies from making the wrong choices. One do believe it would help put a stop to businesses and advertising companies from making bad decision. Like many business who has been fine or penalize it would be more helpful when charges and jail time is given to those who intentionally fraud the systems.
According to Schneider P. Gary (2015), any advertising claim that can mislead a substantial number of consumers in a material way is illegal under U.S. law (pg.337). While more businesses and companies are using advertisement to promote their business, they must be fair about the information pertaining to their products and services. It is clear why business use misleading information, however, it is unfair to consumers to purchase products that is not true to its’ intended use. There are state laws and regulations that prohibits false advertisements and misleading information to consumers.
Advertising regulations are put in place for businesses and companies to abide by the laws. Therefore regulations and laws are there to protect consumers for falling victim to bias advertisements. The FTC regulates these laws, and they enforce these laws upon businesses who are intentionally misleading consumers into buying their products. However, consumers must be aware of advertisements that are not truthful, advertisements that cannot stand by their products or services, and advertisements that are unfair.
Azcenaga, M. L. (1997, April 8). The role of advertising and advertising regulation in the free market: The Turkish association of advertising agencies, conference on advertising for economy and democracy. Retrieved from
Kleppner, O. (1979). Advertising Procedure. (7th. ed.). Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN: 0-13-018119-6
Schneider, G. P. (2015). Electronic Commerce. (11th.ed.). Standford, CT: Cengage Learning.