Motivation at Work
Autor: Sharon • January 29, 2018 • 1,173 Words (5 Pages) • 705 Views
I’ll be discussing now the impact of motivation on every person or factor involved, first of all the firm itself, when employees are properly motivated quality and quantity of the products get improved and therefore profit will increase due to the increase in demand and consumption of the firms products. Employees will benefit too due to the increase in their wages or if bonuses are granted to them hence their ways of living will be improved. The society as a whole will benefit too because when better ways of living are given to employees their consumption for products will increase which means taxes on products will be collected more often therefore services given by the government will increase and be improved as well such as better street lighting and better public transport quality and availability.
For example if an employee works for 350 dollars per month and he consumes 50 dollars monthly on necessity products like bread, if he gets a raise or bonus then his consumption for bread will increase therefore more tax will be collected by the government. When the firm increases its profit then expansion of the firm might increase thus employee job vacancies will be available increasing employment levels and so levels of unemployment will be lowered. If levels of unemployment are lowered then this means that the country is benefiting greatly from many points of view such as lower rates of crime. The overall economy will improve too due to higher rates of buying and selling of goods, higher rates of employment and a greater variety of goods (products and Services) available in that certain country.[pic 2]
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The diagram above is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs pyramid this pyramid shows the needs for employee and such needs show motivation if met it begins with physiological needs that include the basic needs of every human being (shelter, food, water), the second sector in the pyramid is safety which is ensured when a person is working and has a safe life and is secure in his job, having a social life and a family with friends is also a need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid. When the employee is working and is properly motivated then the employee will start looking at his self-esteem and confidence (Covered in the Esteem sector). Self-actualization is reached when the person meets all his needs and is secure in his job, has a house and a family. It includes creativity, spontaneity and may other factors.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs pyramid shows a typical employees life stages if he or she has a job and a proper salary that motivates him/her.
To conclude I would like to say that motivation is a necessity in order to make employees get the feeling of importance and in order to make him/her work properly with his teammates or clients. Motivation has a great impact on a lot of stakeholders or factors involved in the process of managing, buying and selling of products and services involved in a firm. Employees are the base of every production plant, company and even a small business so if they are not properly motivated or treated then the firm will lose a lot such as profit, customers and even the brand name. So every manager or CEO should know that a proper treatment with the employees gives him/her a lot.
- Books:
Management and Organisational Behaviour by Laurie J. Mullins
- Websites:
Definitions I used were extracted from and