Management Theories and Philosophies: Evaluate the Influence of Classical and Human Relations Approaches in Management Today
Autor: Rachel • January 19, 2019 • 2,608 Words (11 Pages) • 951 Views
While the Scientific Management theory aimed at increasing productivity and output in a simple, routine-based, method, Administrative Management on the other hand focuses on the management and structuring of large band complex organizations such as multinationals and factories
Fayol’s theory focused on the fact that skills and abilities were developed and could be learnt in the course of the job so long as there were the right tools and guides to aid development.
This theory basically promoted the effectiveness of human growth and development in effective management.
As stated above Fayol created the 14 management principles which are the bedrock of the administrative management approach. (Stewart Clegg and David Dunkerley, 1980, p.99):
- Specialization/Division of Labour: assigning tasks and duties to everyone in the team
- Authority/Responsibility: Outlining the chain of authority whether delegated or otherwise
- Discipline: Where rules are ignored or broken, some measures must be in place
- Unity of Command: to avoid all form of challenges, commands come from one cannel
- Unity of Direction: Common goal is required to drive the set organizational goals
- Subordination of individual interest: interest and well-being of staff must be identified and considered
- Remuneration: the incentives for the employee to do more
- Centralisation: reducing the importance of subordinates and leader and the competencies
- Line of Authority: defining the hierarchy of the company
- Order: equality and fairness in the treatment of all employees.
- Equity: The ability to be fair in the workspace
- Initiative: this principle guides Management to ensuring employees are motivated to work for the betterment of the Organisation.
- Espirit de Corps: this informs the need for a cordial relationship between Management and employees in an Organisation.
Bureaucratic Management
The word “bureaucracy” took on an original form when used by Max Webber. He used it to explain a form and type of management that he viewed as superior as or higher than any and all forms of organizational management.
In his research, Max Weber explained the necessity of efficient division of labor and tasks. This he stated need to be done with non-ambiguous job descriptions, objectives and activities. His theory stated that apprising and monitoring of a team or individual would be easier when done using a clearly defined KPI, and is judged on merit and competency.
Max Weber described the key elements of bureaucracy as:
- When an organization has structured hierarchy which showcases senior management and lower managements and give the executive the powers to be delegated over the lower management to achieve targets
- A type of division of labor with skill specialization; employees are required to have skills and expertise and can start and finish tasks within timelines and corporate guidelines
- An area where there is a knowledge of expected deliverables with outlined duties and clearly defined processes that manage expectations and daily deliverables
- Using skill expertise and competences to determine compensations and promotions
Limitation of Bureaucratic Management
- Informal relationship at work: tis system does not allow for fraternization amongst colleagues
- Outdated System: while somewhat effective , it leave no room for creativity and is based on authority and power which is outdated
- Inadequate means: does not allow for resolution and clear communications in cases of disputes
The Relationship between the Scientific, Administrative and Bureaucratic Theories of Management
The three phases of the classical approach to management theories; Scientific, Administrative and Bureaucratic approaches all have their distinctive differences and similarities as shown in the table below:
This approach focus its unit of analysis on the physical activities of work.
The focus here is on the drivers of the work and they are often referred to as Practicing Managers
Bureaucracy took a comparatively detached and scholarly view that described them as normative model of organizations.
Improving performance of routine production is the objective of the relationship that exist between the employee and the Organisation
The concern here is how to accomplish an Organisation.
Bureaucratic theory said what an organization ought to be.
The primary focus is the production
Management is regarded as a component of the Organisation
Bureaucracy focused on the organization as a whole
This theory can be regarded as a Bottom-up theory.
Both Administrative and Bureaucratic theories are regarded as Top-down theories
Scientific management were derived from specific studies in each case
The prescriptions of Administrative and Bureaucratic theories were distilled from experience
Human Relations Approach
The human relations management theory has been researched with the strong belief that given a choice, individuals would prefer to be a part of a supportive system or team that promotes development and growth. Basically individual will thrive where they are encouraged and motivated either by speaking their minds or through participation. This would mean their work and contribution is significant