Hydro Energy Inc.
Autor: Mikki • April 3, 2018 • 2,442 Words (10 Pages) • 600 Views
1. Mr Park needs to see a Government to discuss about Penan people
Mr. Park as the newly appointed regional manager need to meet the higher officer of the Sarawak Government in order to discuss about this problem. This project on the building of new dam in Sarawak by the company is really a big project. Unfortunately, it involves the local Penan people on that site.
Therefore, the solution of meeting up the related government officers and finding a solution together could be a better choice. This is because this issue on the land itself which the Penan people claim as their ancestors’ land are refusing to cooperate to build the dam on it can be handled legally. As per the information given, an ample notice have been given to the locals there before the project is about to start. Government of Sabah can help out in the displacement of the whole community to a new rain forest.
Meanwhile, if the legislation applied is very strict on them, they might stand firm on their own opinion and start to against the rules itself. This wills definitely going to be very difficult in building the dam there. They might start showing their against by disturbing the work place or labourers through black magic.
2. Bring Mr Park to the location and try to talk nicely with Head of Penan people
The next alternative solution suggested is that to bring Mr.Park along with Mr.Cheah to the site location or more specifically to the place where Penan people live and make an appointment to meet and talk with the Head of Penan there. Mr.Park, a Korean officer is not aware or find difficulties in understanding the local people’s especially indigenous people’s belief.
Meeting up the Head of Penan people there and get to know the lifestyle of the Penan will definitely help him in understanding better their culture and beliefs by seeing them face to face of what they practice in daily life. At the same time, talking to the Head of Penan there will help him in recognizing their demands of helping them in the project.
But at the same time, the practices of beliefs by the Penan people there might be a culture shock to Mr.Park who is new to that society. It might create a bad impression on the people of Malaysia itself with the thought of most Malaysian people are still following the ‘old’ culture or beliefs in this globalized era. It might cause him to call off from the project and could be a loss to our country’s development indirectly.
3. Make some promise or give some benefit to Penan people
Other than that, Mr.Cheah who is a local from Sarawak can talk through his friend from the Penan community there, Mr.Upih Guling, to make some promises to the community or to give some benefits. The Penan people’s main claim for not cooperating with the company is because the forest is the only survival way they have which they will are now living by hunting and gathering wild animals from that forest which they believe to be a sacred place where it belongs to their ancestors.
Promising some benefits and giving it to them may persuade them to give cooperation on the project. This will make less problems to arise from both the parties. But, if they are very strong on preserving their land, they might not be attracted to the promises or benefits as it is not important or doesn’t really know the importance of it and will be standing firm to stop the operations there.
4. Mr Park need to apologize to Upih Guling and take him back to the company
Last but not least, Mr.Park as a higher officer in the organization should not be ashamed to apologize with Mr.Upih Guling and take him back to the company. Being a native Penan, Mr.Upih Guling will definitely know more information about the Penan culture and beliefs. It might be helpful in carrying out the project where he will be able to give suggestions or objections when any issue related to beliefs or culture arise on the site in order to respect their beliefs.
At the same time, he might be bias either to the company or the his people. He maybe will use his authority in helping out the Penan people there in developing their society and indirectly work against the company. Or else he might be very faithful to the company and started ignoring the beliefs and culture which he is supposed to preserve and working against their beliefs.
Bring Mr Park to the location and try to talk nicely with Head of Penan people and make some promise or give some benefit to Penan people
The strategy is bring Mr.Park along with Mr.Cheah to the site location or more specifically to the place where Penan people live and make an appointment to meet and talk with the Head of Penan there. Mr.Park, a Korean officer is not aware or find difficulties in understanding the local people’s especially indigenous people’s belief. Meet the Head Penan people face-to face is will definitely help him in understand clearly about their project better and recognized the demands of help they will get in future. At the same time, Mr. Park and Mr. Cheah will Understand about their religious and culture. Then, Mr.Cheah who is a local from Sarawak can talk through his friend from the Penan community there, Mr.Upih Guling and to Head of Penan people to make some promises to their community or to give some benefits. The promises and some benefits that giving it to them may persuade them to give cooperation on the project. This will make less problems to arise from both the parties. Its consider as a win win situation.
In a short term, Mr Park should go to the site location or more specifically to the place where Penan people live to see their lifestyle. Firstly, Mr. Park should try to understand Penan people situation because they are nomadic indigenous people. He will understand their culture and beliefs by seeing them face to face of what do they practice in daily life. Penan people always protect their living place and will protest if they feel threatened because with the loss of their land, Penan fear they will lose their independence. Therefore, Mr. Park must talk nicely with the Head of Penan there. He should apologize because before this he did not care about the situation. After that, Mr. Park should discuss with them and ask if there is something that they can do to solve the problem and make both sides satisfied. Promising some benefits and giving it