Comparative Analysis on the Conductivity of Electrolytes of Different Energy Drinks
Autor: Rachel • October 31, 2017 • 3,113 Words (13 Pages) • 1,767 Views
1. Which drink has the greatest conductance?
2. What is the relation of electrolytes to the amount of conductance?
3. Does the amount of electrolyte in the drink affect the effectiveness of the drink?
The objective of the research project is to determine the conductivity of different energy drink samples based on the presence of electrolytes, in order to determine which energy drink is best suitable for enhancing the body’s performance.
The rationale of this study is to determine which energy drink is truly effective. This will be a significant endeavor in promoting knowledge and will aid in educating the community. This study also aims to provide information about how these electrolytes present in energy drinks affect their body’s performance. Athletes and people who engage in strenuous activities will greatly benefit from this, for they will know which one will make their performance even better.
The main focus of this study is to determine the number of electrolytes present in each of the five sample energy drinks and relate this to the effect it gives to the consumer in terms of body performance. This study will aid in identifying as to which sample brand is best suited to drink in order to obtain the highest amount of energy for strenuous activities.
Conductivity will be used to identify the number of electrolytes present in each drink. The conductance will serve as the verification of the presence of electrolytes in the drink samples.
This study is only bound to the relationship of the electrolytes to the conductance of the drink samples.
Based on the related studies, the researchers hypothesize that the number of electrolytes present in the drink, directly affects the conductivity and its effect on the body.
The following terms used were defined operationally for easier and clearer understanding of the study.
- Electrolytes- A substance that dissociates into ions in solution and acquires the capacity to conduct electricity and is lost along with the sweat.
- Salts- Ionic compounds that are composed of related numbers of cations and anions resulting to a product that is electrically neutral.
- Dehydration- The loss of water and salts essential for normal body function.
- Conductance- It is an expression of the ease with which electric current flows through a substance. In equations, conductance is symbolized by the uppercase letter G. The standard unit of conductance is the siemens (abbreviated S), formerly known as the mho.
- Conductivity- A measurement of the electrical conductance per unit distance in an electrolytic or aqueous solution.
- Current- A quantity representing the rate of flow of electric charge, usually measured in amperes.
- Voltage- Potential difference between two electrodes; a measure of the chemical potential for a redox reaction to occur.
Electrolyte products are the healthy products used for medical purpose such as the deficiency of electrolyte in human body. An important electrolyte products as saline or normal saline frequently used for patients who cannot take fluids orally by intravenous drips. Normal saline is also used for aseptic purpose, used for nasal washes to relieve the symptoms of the cold too. Other saline products as ophthalmic eye drops are the saline – containing drops used as an ocular route to administer that may contain steroids, antihistamines, sympathomimetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or topical anesthetics. Hypertonic saline are mucoactive agent used to dissolve the mucous in throat or internal tract of nose. However, some of the electrolyte products are formulated for sold as powder oral rehydration salts form. This product is very popular for diarrhea people to heal the electrolytic balance in body. All above referred electrolyte products are the electrolyte in the form of saline and oral rehydration electrolyte, which contain sodium chloride in the range of 0.22 – 7% and dextrose or glucose in the range of 4 -5 %.
Sports drinks are carbohydrate-rich fluids that contain 4-8% carbohydrate (usually one or a combination of maltodextrin, sucrose, fructose and glucose), sodium and potassium. Carbohydrate consumption assists with energy production and when consumed during exercise can maintain blood glucose levels. Sodium and potassium are added in small amounts stimulate thirst, aid fluid retention and to replace losses due to sweating.
There are hundreds of peer reviewed papers assessing the effects of ingestion of sports drinks before, during and after exercise, and the American College of Sports Medicine’s “Exercise and Fluid Replacement” guidelines support their use during prolonged physical activity. Research has been, and is still being, conducted to find the ultimate sports drink through altering sodium and CHO concentration or combination, gastric emptying, fluid delivery and temperature, along with additives such as amino acids, antioxidants, caffeine and protein.