Functions of Management - Principle of Business
Autor: Sharon • January 18, 2018 • 2,120 Words (9 Pages) • 872 Views
Some of the popular non-verbal clues or signals that are used include:
Eye contact - the eyes say a lot of things that are not spoken. Maintaining eve ointact during communication
is important as it slim' and truthfulness
Touch - some liintan'tiittioJliiring
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handshake. a hug or 1111, .11 illt• ri)11(11111:
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Source -- this is the person sending tlw message or, in other words, the initiator of the messoge[pic 4][pic 5]
Encoding - this is the process by which the message is converted into a symbolic form to facilitate transmission. The way a message is encoded may be affected by the level of skills, attitudes knowledge and the socio-cultural system of the sender. These factors may also affect the effectiveness of the message being communicated
Message - this is what is being communicated. This may take the form of spoken or written words. An artist may also communicate through his/her drawings or paintings. It is very important that the sender's message is clear, as ambiguity may distort effective communication
Channel - this is the medium that is used to transfer the message from sender to receiver. The channel used is selected by the sender and must be appropriate for the message being communicated. The improper selection of a channel may lead to poor communication - for example, if an employee is fired by the firm
both parties rapid interchange- of information and feedk: can be given immediately. It is a very good channel use when information has to be transmitted (11141; Oral communication is by far the most used channel communication and is favoured for meetings, imervie and presentations.
It is usually quick and requires little prior preparation Allows for immediate feedback
It is flexible and can be easily adjusted to meet the situation
The sender of the message can be more persuasive an, convincing
It offers direct contact between the sender and receiver of the message.
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It offers little time to think of the feedback that will given
Ee Lacks record unless the conversation was recorded o
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communicate the decision. This channel was not -,===-- "''teAl4TrrriTrare---strseei34431e-toasLtauons b rriers
It is influenced by non-verbal clues which rrra-i
the message being communicated.[pic 6][pic 7]
Written communication
Written communication is another widely used chi of communication. It includes the use of letters, me bulletins, reports and notices. Written communicati suited for formal long-term records where details communication_must be kept. One of the problems oral communication is the lack of record in most Howevef, written communication eliminates this prc Organisations opt for written communication esp. for meetings so that checks can be done in the futui assessment can be made in terms of performance.
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A record can be kept of the information being communicated
Information can be sent to people who are in dill( locations
Can be used to dandy. explain and it iii oral
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when the person on the receiving end is uncomfoluble with the touch. However, it can also lie reassuring or be used as encouragement[pic 8]
Body movements — the way you sit, walk or stand up can send signals. We communicate through our posture and subtle movements. Our body movements could be saying 'I am comfortable commtmica (jug with you' or 'I cannot wait for this to be over'
Gestures — the way we gesticulate can obstruct or enhance our messages. Over-gesticulation is often distracting. For some people, what is being gesticulated and what is being said are two opposites
Facial expressions — our facial expressions say a lot about our interest in the conversation. We can therefore communicate a message that we are not aware of, depending on our reaction to what we hear or what we say
Physical distance — some people are very protective of their personal space and will become uncomfortable once they feel that that space is being invaded. However, people are willing to share their space with
others wit h whom they are comfortable or share a good relationship
Intonation — this is where en iphasis is placed on certain words, thus changing the meaning of the message.
Factors influencing the choice of channel used
There are pros and cons for each communication channel available to transmit information between the sender and receiver. .The type of communication method (see Table 1 1. I ) used is dependent on, but not limited to, the following factors:
The nature of the message — this may be influenced by the importance