Zuckerberg Vs Gates
Autor: goude2017 • February 12, 2019 • 1,132 Words (5 Pages) • 777 Views
see that both have similar careers and businesses. It is believed that this is attributable to their personality traits. Bill Gates is considered to be ENTJ personality type (businessaligators.com). ENTJ is an abbreviation for extraversion, intuition, thinking and judgment. Mark Zuckerberg on the other hand is considered to be INTJ personality type (businessaligators.com). INTJ is the short form of introversion, intuition, thinking, judgement. It is noticeable that the two entrepreneurs have three of their four personality traits in common.
Here is a detailed explanation of each trait mentioned above. First, extraversion suits people who feel comfortable and enjoy interactions with other people. Secondly, introversion suits people who are very self-reflective, they are usually perceived as reserved. Thirdly, “intuition means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world.” (humanmetrics.com). Fourthly, “Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic” (humanmetrics.com). Fifthly, “Judging means that a person organizes all of his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans” (humanmetrics.com).
The sum this part of the analysis up, one can see that it is likely that their similar personalities may have a considerable impact on the similarities of their businesses.
Further in the article the influence of age on leadership is investigated. For this purpose a study from the University of Bremen is used. The study claims that younger leaders tend to use a transformational or transactional style of leadership. Here is a detailed explanation of the two leadership styles. First a transformational leader identifies together with his subordinated needs of change. He establishes a common vision and inspires the subordinates to execute the change. This should promote commitment of the subordinates. This leadership style goes well together with referent power because it is based on respect of the common goal. Secondly, in a transactional leadership style the leader focuses on supervision, organisation and performance of his subordinates. This leadership style usually goes with a reward power source since the subordinate is rewarded or punished for his performance.
The study mentions that older leader are more likely to use a passive-avoidant style of leadership. This means that the leader is not proactively interacting with his subordinates. His power is based on punishments so a coercive source of power is applicable on this type of leader.
It is important to understand the outcomes of the study as tendencies, not every old leader is passive avoidant. It only shows that leaders tend to develop towards a certain strictness. The common goal becomes less important and more rules are established. In the case of the article this shows in the high bureaucracy of Microsoft.