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Conflict Negotiation Resolution Strategies and Organization Effectiveness

Autor:   •  June 19, 2018  •  3,182 Words (13 Pages)  •  999 Views

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Next, interpersonal conflict occurs between two individuals or more and it is the most common and recognized conflict that happened in workplace. Interpersonal conflict may involve between two colleague who are competing for manpower resource and limited capital. Besides, interpersonal conflict will become acute when the resources are limited and cannot shared and must be obtained. Interpersonal conflict can also relate to disagreements over objectives and goals of the company such as some of the members of a board of directors of a university wish to offer a new courses in their school but others may found this proposal are morally offensive; thus this will lead to interpersonal conflict between the members of boards.

Normally interpersonal conflicts are happened because of personality clashes. All of us have big different attitudes, characteristics and personal value and all of these things are bound to different aims and views that are inconsistent with others views.

Moreover, structural was the major cause of organizational conflict. Thus interdepartmental conflict happen. Generally, organizations are designed around technical specialties, regions and also product lines. All of the activities are assigned to different departments and that have mutually exclusive structured goals and interests; thus that will interact within framework of task dependence and limited resources. In this case, when the resources are fixed, and the gain of one department was actually an expenses of another department, conflict arise. Besides, if that are two unit in organizations are functionally interdependent and have different objectives, conditions are existing for conflict. Therefore, interdependence produces the need for collaboration, but that is also presents occasions for conflicts.

Another factors that will affect the interaction structure between two departments and cause interdepartmental conflict are including widely different attitudes among staff units and line, size of organizations, and also standardization, unequal aces to authority, communicational barriers between the departments, rewards system and ambiguity or uncertainty in assigning tasks or rewards to two departments.

Conflict negotiation resolution strategies

According to PMBOK, conflict was inevitable in a workplace. There are actually five techniques to use for manage conflicts which is collaborating (assertive and cooperative), competing ( assertive and uncooperative), accommodating (unassertive and cooperative), avoiding (unassertive and uncooperative), and also compromising (midrange on both assertiveness and cooperativeness.

First, the collaboration strategies was involves parties working together to attitudes. This is actually a favorable conflict resolution skills in a formal dispute resolution situations such as a mediation, while the group employee mediator but they must agree on the final with binding resolution.

Next, the competing resolution means an individual place his own interest above all of the things that involved in the conflict. This resolution style is only works best in certain conflict such as emergency conflict. Normally, most of the business owners will use this strategy in some crisis situations to benefit themselves such as layoffs and pay cuts.

Moreover, the accommodating style is one of the way to emphasizes the cooperation between two parties but not assertiveness. Accommodating means an individual places his own desire on the last and fulfill the other people interest on the first. This resolution is normally use when the parties wish to keep the harmony with another parties.

Furthermore, avoiding a conflict means the individual that involved in a conflict avoiding communicating about the conflict or confronting the problem and wish the conflict will go away. This is a resolution style that the party are not wish to participate in the problem solving process and try to remove themselves from it. The disadvantage of this conflict is the problem between the two parties is actually never solved.

Lastly, one of the characteristic of compromise resolution approach is bargaining. One of the conflicting individual can figure out some of the interest that they are willing to compromise on and bring it about a resolution way. When a perfect resolution way is not possible, both parties in the conflict may wish to lose something valuable to avoid escalation of the conflict.

Conflict resolution strategies are not fixed. In facts, there is no correct or wrong conflict resolution strategy , and it must change if one of the conflict participant is able to choose a approach that most suitable in that situation. In an organization, most of the managers must understand each of the approach to help his subordinate to resolve the conflict and improve organization effectiveness.

Organizational effectiveness

Organizational effectiveness is the efficiency with which an organization is able to achieve its goals and objectives. Which means an organization that are producing a desired effect or the organization is very productive and without waste. Besides, organizational effectiveness can be defined as each individual in the organization are doing everything that they have professional knowledge how to do it and do it very well. Therefore, organization effectiveness can explain as is the capacity of a company to produce the desired results with minimum waste of time, energy, human resource, money and also the material resources. Desired effect are depending on the organization goals such as they are making a profit by producing and selling the product. If the organization operates efficiently, it will produce a product with minimum waste. If the organization are operating with both organizational efficiency and effectiveness, it will achieve a goal which is making profit by produce and selling product without waste.

Organizational effectiveness cannot be achieved only by using the correct strategies or technologies by also need to improve the organizational climate. One of the important factor that can increase organizational effectiveness is conducive organizational environment. One of the important job of top management was maintaining the conducive organizational climate and one of the negative environment sources was conflict.

Organization need to identify the positive and negative aspects of conflict. A negative conflict may limit the organization ability to reach its goals. On the other hand, positive conflict will supports the organization to achieve its objective efficiency. Negative conflicts will leads to poor performance of organization while positive conflict can improve organization


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