The Estate
Autor: Mikki • January 7, 2018 • 1,142 Words (5 Pages) • 794 Views
“Well see you there,” Henry strolled over to his car.
The food court was huge. Compared to the dining hall in his mansion the court was godzilla. He walked past the smell of fresh pizza from a stand. And walked over to the far east end of the court. Thomas sat at the table nearest to the edge that overlooked the giant hallway entrance.
“Hey, sorry I’m late I had a little more work than expected,” Henry said.
“No problem, I just got in and den forgot to lock the car. I just got back inside heres.”
“Well, at lest you didn’t completely forget.”
“Ha ha,” Henry said sarcastically, “lets go get some food.”
Just then right through the window Henry saw the glint of the front lights of a heavy duty truck. The truck crashed right through the glass wall and exploded into flames. Havoc stuck right then, people screaming police running, store owners running for their life, and glass everywhere. Henry saw the man getting out of the truck, then everything went black.
The People
“Beep, beep, beep, beep, clunk.” James’s eyes snap open, his alarm clock has gone off. He sat up in bed and saw it on the floor. He walked over all the clutter on the floor and turn on his television and watched while he poured his cereal. “Terrorist attack? Truck rams mall in total destruction,” flashed across the top of the screen. Henry thought nothing of it, so he just glanced out the window and saw a fire truck going by.
After finishing his breakfast he got on his new clothes and grabbed his backpack and walked outside to his bus stop. He stared a stop sign while waiting for the bus to come. The raggedy bus turned the corner and went right past James. “Hey! Bus driver! Back here!” He yelled but either the driver didn’t hear him or just forgot about that stop. “Damn, I’m going to have to walk now.” Henry said under his breath.
Henry stopped by the local gas station get a snack. “So Bob, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, just saw the rocket go by. Did you see it?”
“Rocket? What rocket?” Henry said confused.
“The one that signals that the army is recruiting.” Bob affirmed.
“Hmm, bell speed ya,” said Henry stuffing a chocolate bar in his mouth.
Walking up the steps to his work building he saw the recruiting truck. “Hmm, my life is a bit boring, could use a bit of action. He ran up to the truck. “Excuse me I’ll join,” remarking Henry.
“Identification card,” replied the officer.
Henry gave him the card, the officer put it into the scanner, the green light came up.
“Go to this address for a briefing,” said the officer handing back the card. “See you there.”
Later that day James was heating up some lasagna. He took out the pan and glanced at his watch. “No! I’m going to be late,” he screamed, almost dropping the pan. He ran out the door shoving a chair out of the way. He leapt in his car and drove off.
At the meeting spot he saw the officer, a lieutenant, and a couple trainees.
“Ok men, I’m going to see you men work and test your abilities. Lets first start with push ups.
James did a few push ups and soon the instructor was commanding them to do all sorts of exercises.
By the end of the 3 hours James was tired and sweating buckets.