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Autor:   •  June 16, 2018  •  1,579 Words (7 Pages)  •  511 Views

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It could be claimed that virtual relationships provide a place for People to share hyperpersonal secrets. Naturally, they need to share and get advice from virtual friends on the internet. That may be so, but they will reserve some menaces which are because of the unknowable of virtual friends. According to Hu et al.(2004), there are many customers who uses fake personas to attract other people in the virtual world.

To sum up, virtual relationships will never replace the face to face friendships because of untrustworthy people who threaten people's privacy and the loss of social skills during the virtual communication sometimes.


Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 10(1), 00-00.

O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children, adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.

Some people may argue that the mobile technology use in developing countries has some negative social and economic impacts. Obviously, the cost of mobile phone services is a serious problem for poorer families (Lefilleur, 2009), and there is some imbalance in use and access (Blumenstock & Eagle, 2010). That may so, but most of the time, the mobile phone use in developing countries brings more positive social and economic influences. The wireless on a mobile phone is low cost, and the mobile phone also creates access the market information (Khalil et al. 2009). Aker and Mbiti (2010) also mention the benefits are, obtain information. Clearly, according to Barberousse et al.(2009), authors also add the usage amount of mobile phone is increased. To sum up, the mobile phone contributes to improving economic and social development.

It could be claimed that the mobile technology provides some negative effects on the social side. Naturally, the capacity factor also influences the gap of wealth (Joshua &Nathan, 2010). Obviously, the phone users are wealthier, educated, and the number of the male is more than female (Joshua& Nathan, 2010). However, the positive side is more general. According to Vodafone (2005), the author adds that the mobile is connected with schools and universities. Moreover, the mobile technology can also keep in touch with other people. In conclusion, the social impact is more likely to turn on positive side.

Learning English

Learn English with second English teacher is not a good choice.

In many cases, most children learn English with second English teacher is not a good choice to improve English skills.

Living in Canada

Most People who lived in Canada enjoy the culture.

The old people who lived in the west of Canada for a long term generally enjoy the local Canadian communicate cultures.

Long flight

People do not like a long flight in many cases.

Most of the people do not like 10 hours long flight which is because the long flight wastes their time.

Canadian food

In general, Other people do not adapt Canadian food.

Other countries’ tourist which is first time come to Canada is difficult to adapt some of the Canadian fast food in many cases.

The weather in Canada

Many People do not like the Canadian weather.

Most of the people which are from tropical countries do not like the cold weather in northeast Canada.

Some people may think children learn English reading skills with the native teacher which is growing up in English culture is better than a second language speaker as a teacher. Obviously, the native teacher has more experience on the knowledge of the target culture, so it might promote the child’s learning interest. However, children should learn English with second language speaker as a teacher. The most important reason is that the second language speaker as a teacher has more teaching experience on teaching particular second language English learners. The fact is that it depends on the learner’s character, the growing environment and way of thinking. To sum up, learn English with the second language speaker have more benefits than native teacher.


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