Wendy Peterson
Autor: Mikki • February 11, 2018 • 1,055 Words (5 Pages) • 774 Views
- Reject Wu’s request for new assistant:
Rejecting Wu’s offer will mean that he may resign for his current position. Wendy’s personal reputation will become stronger after rejecting Wu’s request. Other co-worker will also respect her decision. There may be no future relationship as Wu will be resigning. There will be a huge loss to the firm as Wu can take his client, which also the biggest client of the firm, with him.
- For an assistant set targets for Wu:
Wendy can tell Wu that if he wants an assistant then he needs to fulfill some targets which will be much tougher to reach than the previous one as the assistant will cost more to the firm. Her reputation will be saved as her move will be seen as a smart move. In colleges to the reaction will be mild as they knew to get an assistant Wu would have to perform exceptionally well. Future relationship with Wu will also be good as Wendy and Wu both are accommodating. Due to additional work that Wu has to perform the firm revenue and sales will increase.
- Fire Wu and hire someone else with same contacts as Wu:
Wendy’s personal reputation will be maintained in the office. Reaction of the co-worker will be mild. As Wu would be fired so no future relationship would be there. Firm’s revenue may fall as Wu will take his client which is also the biggest client away from the firm after resignation.
On the basis of the options available and the criteria for choosing them I would like to recommend Wendy Peterson to set new targets for Wu to have an assistant. This move will buy her time and will also satisfy Wu desires that he has an option to have an assistant if he fulfills the target. Not reaching the target will be seen as Wu’s own inability to reach the goal hence he wouldn’t be able to blame anybody else for not having the assistant.
The action plan would be to arrange a meeting with Wu and talk to him about the new sales target that he would be receiving as per his request for the new assistant. Make a strong statement about the new target and tell him to take this as a challenge and that you want him to earn this. Motivate him so that he wouldn’t be thinking that this target is to hinder his desire of having an assistant.
In the meantime, while Wu is busy with his new targets Wendy can approach to Wu client by herself and talk to him directly and can develop personal contacts with him so that if Wu resigns then he wouldn’t be able to take this huge client from the firm. She can also try learning Chinese as language is the main problem between her and the Chinese client.