President Aquino Sixth Sona
Autor: Joshua • September 16, 2017 • 2,638 Words (11 Pages) • 776 Views
President Aquino also comented on the need to continue modernizing the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He agreed on the fact that our country needs to purchase machineries needed by our Armed Forces (Air Force, Navy, Police, Military, etc). He also said that these machineries benefits the people during calamities, evacuation, territorial defense and many others. He also mentioned the increase of the benifits to be given to the AFP personnel who are sacrificing their lives for the country.
He then stated some accomplishments on many public works like Lullutan Bridge in Isabela, highways, roads, expressways, flood control projects, dikes ad other important infrastructures. President Aquino then made a statement that these projects are not for the provinces and places where he received plenty of votes during elections, but for all the people who needed them.
But the president made a plea to all the people concerned for support. That when time comes that a little sacrifice is needed and asked that is for the benifit of everybody, understanding is needed. Examples are the EDSA and Guadalupe bridge problems.
He also said that even in the fisheries sector, the way the world views us has changed completely. The European Commission lifted the yellow card warning it had imposed on the Philippines.
The president wanted to address the future leaders of the country not to put to waste what was already achieved. Rather, he challenged them to continue or even improve what his administration have accomplished. He asked the legislators to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law, if not, he challenged them to make a better one. He alos challenged the legislators that it is now time to pass an Anti-Dynasty Law.
He gave credit to Senate and Congress for supporting him towards the “tuwid na daan”. For passing good laws like the Philippine Competition Law, the Cabotage Law, Responsible Parenthood Act and the Sin Tax Reform Act.
President Aquino then started to thank everyone who made it possible for him to be able to do everything that he has successfully done. To our Lord, to his parents, his family, his cabinet and down to his bosses.
Ending his report with a bible quote from 2 Timothy, Chapter 4, Verse 7. And I quote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
Strong Points with Analysis
Using the native Filipino language as a medium to address the people is a good way in order for the Filipino to better grasp his message.
Comparing the more than five years of performance of President Aquino’s administration with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s performance in her nine years of presidency is a good boost on his achievements. This creates a bench mark and shows the big disparity between the two presidents.
The Public-Private Partnership PPP is a very good opportunity for development. This is done through using the private sector’s machinery so that the government can improve their services to the public at an efficient and lesser cost. Furthermore, in this way, the burden of the government is greatly lessened.
He talked about the political will that enabled the government to clean important key positions in the government that is vital towards achieving the desired “tuwid na daan”. If during his administration, he wasn’t able to impeach the ombudsman and the Chief Justice Secretary, then surely it will be very difficult for the president to pursue his plans for the country.
It is inherent for the Filipino to be forgiving. That is why politicians abuse the system because they know for a fact that people will forget and thus forgive. But the president has a very strong point that in order for other politicians not to repeat what the previous corrupt politicians have done, they must be brought to justice and serve what is due to them if convicted.
The 4Ps is a great tool towards giving a bright future for the less fortunate Filipino people, it is a fact that they have improved on their status in life. But it is very important to note that proper recording and strict followup is needed in order for this program to serve its purpose.
The K to 12 when understood by many is actually more practical than 10 years then college education. It is in this system that after graduating, the person has already learned some skills and is already capable for work. Only then if the person is still interested on a much higher degree, by choice can pursue a colloge education.
Pointing out that you need not to be a political supporter to receive government support is a form of good governance. Giving support based on needs and not on loyalty can gather allies which in turn do the same to others. As the saying goes, “do to others what you want others to do unto you”.
To be able to look ahead, you need to clear the path. How brilliant K to 12 may be but without support, it is doomed to fail. It is a strong point that the present administration is able to see the problems in the education sector namely: the lack of classrooms, teachers and textbooks as these will have very significant effects in the future.
Having been able to bring the country at this status on his administration, the President feels he has the right to challenge the future leaders of the country not to put to waste all that was built. If the projection of NEDA is correct, aiming to become a first world country in the future is possible. Now all the future leaders of this country need to do is just to follow the “tuwid na daan” or do even better.
The Bangsamoro Basic Law is a key element towards progress in Mindanao and for all the Filipino people, if only this proposed law is understood by the legislators and proper dissemination is done to the public.
Weak Points with Analysis
In the Public-Private Partnership, no specific rules have been made to protect the government and the people from abuse. Take for example the expressways, the government have no control on the pricing of toll fees done by these private investors. Indeed services are provided but people sometimes pay more than what they suppose to.
The present administration like the other past admistrations are still blind to the abuses made by their allies. It is a fact that despite the aim of the president towards the “tuwid na daan” some of his constituents are going the wrong direction. But we see no action on the part of the present administration to take action in putting them to justice.
In the peace and order, President Aquino mentioned the accomplishments done during