Is Puppy Trade Good or Bad?
Autor: Tim • April 25, 2018 • 1,329 Words (6 Pages) • 715 Views
- “Is the source of the pet shops licensed?”
- “Why do I want to have a pet?”
- “Is it allowed to keep it in my apartment?”
- “Do I able to afford its daily and medical expenses?”
- “Does my family love it as me?”
- “Am I ready and capable to keep it for its whole life?”
Besides, the government also plays a significant role on improving animal welfare. Under existing legislation, selling own pets or the descendants of pets does not require an animal trader license. And this situation creates a loophole, which enables those breeders running with commercial mode to escape from the control and administration by the government. Therefore, the government is urged to restrict the supply of puppies. To achieve this, it is suggested that everyone selling puppies, no matter privately or commercially, must apply for a license. Also, under the existing legislation, people selling animal illegally only have to suffer a fine of HKD$2000. Comparing with the profit of selling purebred puppies, this amount of fine could not prevent them from offending this law. Therefore, it is highly recommended to increase the fine of selling animal illegally from HKD$2,000) to HKD$100,000.
All in all, it could not be denied that puppy trades may bring many adverse effects on society and also on animal welfare. Enhancing animal welfare requires everyone in society to cooperate and pay effort. And as a consumer, please do remember that, never “consume” a pet.
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