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Flexible Working

Autor:   •  March 2, 2018  •  1,988 Words (8 Pages)  •  631 Views

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Compressed working week have either positive and negative effects and so health and wellbeing may be improved workplace without damaging productivity and competitiveness (Bambra, 2007:775). For instance, compressed work week will provide labor more time, thus they could use free time to study more skills of work to improve themselves abilities, and possess stances to take part in competitiveness.

2.3.2 Teleworking: Teleworking was again rediscovered in the early 1990s as substitutable approach to organize work in order reduce commuting, balance work and family, and increase productivity(Perez,2004:280). In addition, technology development makes teleworking to be practiced, and offers to widen work chances and options, although other factors connect with individual direction and organization cultures are as crucial (Baruch and N icholson,1997, cited in Baruch.2000:35).

On the synthesis that the effects of teleworking will be multiple, the target was to research the expected mixed effects on productivity and satisfaction as received by employees who experienced teleworking (Baruch,2000:38). Steinle (1998, cited in Baruch,2000:43) states that 2/3of job could fit teleworking. According to Baruch (2000:43) claims that more over 50% of office work could be supervised employees’home.

On the other hand, when there is a lack of required technological resources, or when teleworking costs higher than benefits, or when managers have awareness that teleworking will negatively impact on the organizational culture (Chapman et al,1995 cited in Peraz, 2004: 282). For example, companies may need to increase budget in order to provide computer equipment and telecommunication linking for teleworkers. Sometimes, teleworking might increase risk to the security of the organization information that is used by teleworkers, and then has negative influence on organizational culture. Moreover, for some employees are potential teleworkers, they may not be interested in this work management if they worried that it may causes difficult their career development(ibid:282). However, traffic conditions are the employees intend to avoid road congestion time to work, and then reduce time in traveling to work (Perez,2004:288).

Baruch and Nicholson (1997) suggested those factors to judge whether teleworking is suitable for employees and managers:

- (1) the person's individual qualities, attitudes and personality;

- (2) the job fit;

- (3) the organizational culture; and

- (4) the home and family interface.

The European Union and United states estimate that 12% of all employees are teleworkers, and by 2016, this percentage will surpass to 20% more, especially in IT companies, where provide opportunity to work from home in order to maintain their IT talent, if without this option, staff turnover might intense increase (Weinert. et al. 2013: 139). However, Yahoo as a IT company, and Best Buy in their decision to stop them telework program; because this organization aiming to establish a strong connect with colleagues during work time(ibid:139). This case illustrates that temporal and area distance to workplace where IT teleworkers in different environment, which leads to specific challenge for managers with human resource management responsibilities, and for employees, they will suffer social isolation or cannot supervise themselves in work-life balance.

On the contrary, teleworking is fit for sales team, 36% described that teleworking as the same as before but, 44% stuffs believed that they were felt more effectively than before in different degrees (Harris, 2003:427) the remaining 20% employees thought that their performance had been negatively impacted by home working, but the significant of team about 85 percent reported that a longer working day although less than before, thus contributed to improves performance(Ibid:428).

Table 1: Demographics and telework usage

Teleworking usage

Colleagues in the office







At least one






Most of the time


An extreme amount


Very often




This table from Weinert. et al.2014.

In the following this report intend to describe those statistics, rarely and sometimes use teleworking has equal percentage, 0.0% people never use this option and in the office, teleworking usage is more than stay at office in rarely and sometimes, opposite, most of time worker at office is more than choice teleworking, and has the significant gaps, the formal is 38.6%, the later is 17.5%, nearly two times. People who stay at home is more than in office, the percentage is very closely, respectively,19.3%,15.6%.

3.0 Conclusion

This report has been analysis that compressed working and teleworking has different degree influence on cost, satisfaction and productivity of employees and managers. while, use case study prove teleworking has effects on employees, and further has influent on managers or organization.

3.1 Compressed working might provide more leisure time for employees, hence, it could arise their satisfaction

3.2 Compressed working through work more time to finish work advance, and makes labors work-life balance.

3.3 Teleworking has negative on workers or managers, but it could maintain employee’s talent for IT workers or designers

4.0 Recommendation

This report has been provided two options,


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