Does Economic Development Cause Democratisation?
Autor: Adnan • March 28, 2018 • 1,542 Words (7 Pages) • 815 Views
Besides, According to the He and Feng (2008:151) stated that the value and beliefs also could effect on the politic direction. For example, the traditional value of Confucianism in China has prevented the process of democratization. Confucianism in China was based on "human nature" as the mainstream (2008:151). In other words, morality is seen as a measure of everything. Under the long-term influence of this moral culture, the idea of moral supremacy is universally recognized by the society. But the the importance that the rule of law was ignored as well as did not build a complete legislation system, which effect on the foundation of democracy.
Although United States of American were classified democartic countries, the complex and pluralistic political system has affected the efficiency of democracy. According to the Dahl (2005) stated that from the perspective of maintaining fairness, the mixed system of the United States: non-proportional representation and non-majority do not adequately reflect the principle of fairness. Because the US electoral system is in line with the bipartisan system, and pursue the majority principle. In the American constitutional system formed three "majority": the majority of the president, the majority of the two parties. If a party can not be in the majority of the two parties. Then the decision is determined by the court. Moreover, if one of the parties won the election, which does not mean that the three "majority" can follow a same pace (2005). Therefore, the democratic system in the United States neither ensure the fairness of the proportional representation system, nor can meet the principle of majority to clear the object of responsibility. At least in the view of fairness in the maintenance of decision-making, the efficiency of American democracy is limited. Besides, According to González and King (2004) stated that the presidential system might be problematic. Some presidents have not received the support of the majority of voters. Such as President Truman in 1948, President Kennedy of 1960 and Nixon in 1968. Although the number of votes more than the opponent, no more than half of votes. Since the presidential election is directly related to the citizens' vote. People generally think that the president's opinion means that the rights of the people have been expressed, leading to the expansion of the presidential rights has been a theoretical basis. Thus, the president's opinion may be more advantageous when a policy diverges between Congress and the president (2004). However, the president, rely on the advantages on the way of production, while does not plenty represent the willing of the citizen and affect on the efficiency of democracy.
In conclusion, this essay has argued the economy development can promote the democracy and relation is positive through Lipset focused on the four kinds of democracies and supported by the data. The economy development not a only factors. Besides,Through the process of democracy in China and United States, there are three factors also related to the democracy such as values and belief in religion, historical culture and diversification political system. Although democratization of countries are different, the democratiz become the world's political development trends and direction.
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